Singing Contest

Essential Questions:

  • How does learning and performing a Korean song help us understand Korean language and culture?
  • What cultural values and traditions can we find in the lyrics of Korean songs?
  • How can we work effectively as a team to create a successful group performance?
  • What skills and attitudes are important for delivering a strong stage performance?
  • How does pronunciation, emotion, and body language impact our stage presence when performing in Korean?
  • Why is active participation important in cultural performances, and how can we improve our engagement?
  • How does preparing for a performance help us develop confidence and adaptability in new situations?

Students will be able to (SWBAT) …

  1. Memorize and accurately pronounce Korean song lyrics while understanding their meaning and cultural significance.
  2. Identify and apply new Korean vocabulary and grammar structures found in song lyrics.
  3. Analyze how Korean cultural values, emotions, and traditions are embedded in song lyrics and melodies.
  4. Demonstrate stage presence through appropriate vocal expression, facial expressions, and gestures..
  5. Collaborate effectively with peers to prepare and perform a group song.
  6. Reflect on their performance and teamwork, identifying areas of strength and improvement.
  7. Develop confidence and adaptability by engaging in the performance process.