G10 Jared Fischer
“How does kimchi represent Korean culture while highlighting global connections and the power of shared traditions?“
As globally enlightened citizens, how can we contribute to the well-being of our global community?
“All About Me” Video Project
My School Life
Hello! 안녕하세요! My name is Jared.저는 자렛이에요.
I am 16 years old. 저는 열 여섯 살이에요. I don’t live in school, but I do live on oahu 저는 학교에서 살지 않아요, 오하우에 살아요.
One goal for this year is to get more hobbies. 올 해, 취미를 더 많이 가지는 것이 저의 목표예요.
I have very few hobbies. 저는 취미가 별로 없어요.
I swim, surf, draw, hike, write, bake, roller skate, and more I can’t remember. 수영, 서핑, 그림, 하이킹, 글쓰기, 빵 만들기, 롤러 스케이트, 그리고… 더는 생각이 안 나요.
So little. 정말 적어요.
Maybe I’ll try becoming a good student this year. 저는 올 해 좋은 학생이 될 거예요.
I have another goal. 저는 또 다른 목표가 있어요.
It’s to build an adult treehouse at APIS. APIS 학교에 나무집을 지을 거예요.
Nothing bad could happen from that, right? 나쁜 일은 일어나지 않아요, 그렇죠?
APIS is boring, I think it needs a treehouse badly. APIS는 지루해서, 나무집이 정말 필요할 것 같아요.
Thank you 감사합니다.
“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?“
“My Hero” Korean Presentation
안녕하세요. 저는 자렛이예요. 저는 APIS, 십 학년, 학생이에요. 아바타라는 작은 프로그램이 있어요. 거기에 제가 존경하는 캐릭터가 있어요. 그는 악당이지만 무척 사랑스러워요. 그의 이름은 아저씨 ‘이로’예요. 아저씨 이로는 다정하고, 지혜롭고, 재미있고, 늙어도 치매에 걸리지 않았어요. 저는 아저씨 이로같은 사람이 되고 싶어요. 이로 삼촌은 APIS의 모든 가치를 보여줍니다. 그는 인내심을 통해 열정을 보여줍니다. 그는 목표를 이루기 위해 참아냅니다. 그는 자신의 가치를 지키며 진실함을 보여줍니다. 이로 삼촌은 다른 사람들을 위해 살아갑니다. 저는 이로 아저씨같은 사람이 되고 싶습니다. 감사합니다.
Hello! My name is Jared. I am in 10th grade at APIS. There is a niche show called Avatar where there is a character I admire. Although he is a part of the antagonists, he is shown to be more lovable than any other character. His name is Uncle Iroh. I want to be Uncle Iroh when I grow up because he is very caring, wise, funny, and didn’t become senile when he got older. Uncle Iroh easily represents all APIS values. He shows aspiration through his patience. He shows perseverance to achieve his goals. He shows integrity by upholding his values. Uncle Iroh lives by selflessness. Thank you!
Emotion That Fuels Success
성공을 향한 강력한 열쇠
Hunger is one of, if not, the most important value from getting up in the morning, to achieving goals until night. In a very literal case, people wake up due to the discomfort of a starving stomach. Reaching further though, hunger and the discomfort of absence motivate everything we do from wanting, and buying an unwise purchase, to commanding ourselves into the gym. Hunger also promotes multiple APIS values including perseverance, integrity, and eventually aspiration.
배고픔은 아침에 일어나는 것부터 밤까지 어떠한 목표를 달성하는 데 이르기까지 가장 중요한 가치 중 하나입니다. 문자 그대로의 경우, 사람들은 굶주림의 불편함 때문에라도 일어나게 됩니다. 더 나아가, 배고픔과 결핍으로의 불편함은 우리가 원하는 것에서부터 현명하지 못한 구매를 하거나 스스로를 체육관으로 이끄는 것까지 모든 것에 있어서 동기를 부여합니다. 또한 배고픔은 인내, 진실성, 그리고 결국 포부와 같은 다양한 APIS가 지닌 가치를 촉진합니다.
“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”
2023 Korean Video Project |
하루를 시작하기 위해 침대에서 뛰어내릴 시간 Wakey Wakey! Time to jump out of bed to start the day, O… oh.
나는 빠른 속도로 아침 준비하지만, 여전히 내 개 만큼은 빠르지 않습니다. I make breakfast at the speed of sound, yet I’m still not as fast as my dog.
엄마, 학교 다녀올게요. Bye, Mom. See you soon
여기 제가 장난스러운 행동을 계획하는 모습을 담은 영상이 있습니다! Here’s footage of me plotting mischievous deeds
현장 학습! 시민의 즐거움과 올바른 재정적 결정을 위한 시간입니다! Wah, a field trip! A time for civil fun, and good financial decisions!
도서관. 나는 로맨스가 역겹다고 생각하지만, 역겨운 것도 재미있다고 생각한다. Huh, a library. I think romance is gross, but I think gross things are funny. Eh?
“야, 재러드! 보세요, 비행기 로맨스!” “난 관심 없어.” “Hey jared! Look, it’s airplane love!” “Not interested”
은하계 사랑? Galactic love?
뭐? 정치인의 사랑? 안 돼… Huh? Politician love? Oh no…
지구온난화 사랑? Global warming love?
재미있었어요. 이제 집에 갈 시간이에요. 안녕히 주무세요! That was fun, time to go home. Good night!
“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”
2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project |
Ohana Project Reflective Writing
I researched Korean culture and the Maui wildfires. I created a poem and postcard, and I’m participating in selling Hoteok to raise money for the Maui wildfire. I learned about Hangul culture, the Maui wildfires, and the importance of Ohana (family) in both Korean culture, and on Maui. One of the successful parts of this project was creating a postcard for the Maui wildfires, incorporating the before, after, and future of Maui in its background. One of the frustrating parts about this project was finding time to study Korean because I always had more important homework to finish first. I would try to find more time to study Korean language to improve my vocabulary and comprehension.
누군가의 삶은 불타버렸지만
지금 가장 중요한 걸 선택하세요.
Though someone’s life may have burned away,
ignite your own passion.
I chose to learn Korean because since this was a Korean school, it would be helpful to know when I need to understand Korean classmates and to ease me into learning other languages. The first thing I should work on is my Korean grammar Because it acts like a skeleton that I can add words to flesh out a sentence, or even paragraphs. I also need to work on my comprehension speed. – From Jared Fischer – December 2023
“How can we create a better school environment?”
2023 Mural Project – “Faithfulness” 다른 사람을 존중하는 것은 자신을 존중하는 것이다. |
Respecting others is equivalent to respecting oneself.
Hello, My name is Jared and I am in 9th grade. I am from Molokai, and I like to do everything. I go to APIS where I learn everything and Korean. My favorite class is robotics. My Favorite things are calisthenics, success, and chocolate. I am into self-improvement, especially of the mind, including respect. For instance, before, I used to not care, but now I do. I do swimming, art, robotics, and jiu-jitsu. I am very good at art, and swimming.
I think faithfulness is the most important because having trust in someone is very useful, and can give purpose if needed. Having trustworthy friends will allow you to do trust falls without injury. Having faith in any role model, or religion can provide a goal or purpose for a person, whether it is for fitness, family, or self-improvement.
안녕하세요. 저는 자렛입니다. 구학년이에요. 저는 몰로카이에서 왔습니다. 저는 APIS에서 한국어를 배웁니다. 저는 로보틱스 수업을 가장 좋아합니다. 저는 체조, 성공, 초콜릿을 가장 좋아합니다.
저는 계속 성장하고 발전하고 싶습니다. 전에는 하지 못했지만 지금은 할 수 있는 것이 많습니다. 예를 들어 저는 수영, 미술, 로보트, 주짓수를 잘 합니다. 그리고 저는 미술을 아주 잘 하고 수영도 잘 합니다.
신뢰는 가장 중요합니다. 믿을 수 있는 친구가 있다면 실망하지 않고 함께 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있기 때문입니다
Good to see you presenting with energy and confidence. It was interesting that they used pictures instead of photos.
It was a really entertaining presentation. Good job!
I loved your presentation on faithfulness and I thought that it was vary well organized. Great speaking!
Good pronunciation and easy to listen to.
Beginning was clear
Amazing slides.
Does need more practice.
It was really easy to listen and I liked your slides. Good presentation.
The presentation was so good!
Your mural about love was awesome! It looks great! No llamas though.