This lesson began with the deeply philosophical questions of “who we are” and “why we live.” It delves into what the value of life is and what attitudes should be deemed important in our lives, specifically looking into the lives of individuals we admire. During Korean language lessons, students apply the grammar and vocabulary they have learned through writing, speaking, and presenting. This approach fosters the growth of students into true global leaders.
Elisa admires Walt Disney, and in almost two years of learning Korean, she has reached an impressive level of proficiency, allowing her to converse with native Koreans and comprehend a wide range of texts. Let’s take a moment to appreciate her Korean speech skills!
Did you know that Mr. Jacobsen, who teaches math and STEM at APIS Hawaii, is Aria’s father? Aria is learning English, Japanese, and Korean, and witnessing her rapid and accurate language acquisition is an amazing experience in every class. Her love and admiration for her father are truly beautiful and precious, blessing their family.
Yuken has captured the diligence, humility, perseverance, and determination of Otani Shohei, a world-famous baseball player from Japan, in a profound narrative. Yuken and Shohei seem to share similarities, especially now, as Yuken’s passion shines brightly in his first year of studying Korean.
Kentaro delivered a splendid presentation in Korean on the themes of self-sacrifice, love, laughter, leisure, and humanity, using the Japanese anime character Anpanman as his subject. He highlighted how these values hold significant importance in our lives. His creative and unique personality blends harmoniously with his natural Korean speech skills.
Katya introduced her admiration for her father with cherished photos from her childhood. She is moved by the thought that her father’s strength and love, as a single dad raising her on his own, have made her into the smart, cool, and confident Katya we see today. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to glimpse into her growth diary through the neat and organized slides, and excellent Korean speech.
Paloma, a bilingual speaker of English and Spanish, has made significant progress in learning Korean since last year. Her life attitude, which radiates strength, perseverance, brightness, and positive energy to many people, is closely akin to her mother’s life. This will become evident through her presentation in Korean.
Jacob mentioned that he admires a tennis coach who is considerate of others and always puts his best effort into his given tasks. It moving that his Korean presentation seems to encapsulate the teachings of Jesus Christ, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.
Misa’s usual voice in the classroom isn’t very loud. She’s always quiet and doesn’t make a show of herself. However, her Korean presentation reveals her personality, confidence, and the sense of responsibility that comes from having invested much time and effort. It also shows her strong determination to never give up on improving her Korean skills. Additionally, the content expressing her respect in her mother, who loves her sincerely, is very beautiful.
Yuji believes in the power of music. Whenever he faces difficult times, he draws strength from listening to songs by his favorite Japanese band. He firmly believes that we all possess an inner strength that can influence others. We can feel it in his Korean presentation.
Toby describes his father as a hero. The time spent with his father, who showed and taught him various interesting and meaningful things, was simply an “adventure.” Through his Korean presentation, we can understand that this world is unfolded through endless questions, exploration, and challenges.
Luca, who loves llamas, says that his hero is Jack Johnson, a singer, environmental activist, and educator. Llamas always make an appearance in his presentations, and this time is no exception. The reason he admires Jack Johnson is very meaningful, as revealed in the last part of his voice.
Jared always pursues creativity. He enjoys concocting ingenious ideas that others might not think of and loves connecting them through music, dance, art, and presentations. His strong will to present without a script is not only evident in his upcoming presentation but it’s also fascinating that the values of our school’s Core Key Characters – “Aspiration, Perseverance, Integrity, and Selflessness” – are embodied in the villain characters of his favorite cartoons. Please look forward to Jared’s presentation and give him your full support.