K Remi Gilliland
As globally enlightened citizens, how can we contribute to the well-being of our global community?

Remi, the youngest and only kindergartener at APIS, continues to amaze everyone with her maturity and enthusiasm for learning. Despite studying alongside her first-grade peers, she shines in every class, demonstrating an inspiring passion for knowledge. When asked what is most essential in life, her simple yet profound answer was cats and dogs. When further asked why, she explained with heartfelt clarity that they are important because we can give them love and, in return, receive their love.
Her pure response touched everyone, as she beautifully expressed that the unique value connecting all living beings is love. Through her innocent wisdom, Remi reminded us of a powerful truth: perhaps the reason we learn is to better understand how to love others more deeply. It’s a humbling and uplifting lesson, one that we are grateful to have received from someone so young yet so wise. Remi’s perspective encourages us to cherish the connections we share and the love that binds us all.