G8 Kaia Chung
“How does kimchi represent Korean culture while highlighting global connections and the power of shared traditions?“

As globally enlightened citizens, how can we contribute to the well-being of our global community?

Mural reflection – Understanding
Understanding is an important part of maintaining relationships with others. Understanding can help us deepen connections, avoid conflicts and solve misunderstandings. I chose understanding as my theme because I just think it’s super important. When two people can understand and respect each others’ feelings, it can help those two people bond and become closer. With my friends, I always try to be compassionate and validate their thoughts and feelings. So, I want to be able to understand those people better so that I can become even closer with them, and become an even better friend.
That’s one form of understanding, and the other I was thinking about was understanding different languages. Languages are a beautiful thing, because learning them can help you connect and make friends with people all around the world. I have been learning languages all my life (since preschool! I was learning Spanish, then Mandarin!) and I want to learn even more, so that I can connect with and understand people from all over the world! Right now, I want to learn Japanese and Korean (since I have Korean friends and there are so many Japanese boarding students here at APIS that I want to be friends with!), and I hope that using those languages I can make even more friends.
Our essential questions were about the kind of community and world that we want to build and how we can contribute to the well-being of our global community by learning languages. Using understanding, I hope we can build a community that can solve misunderstandings and have more empathy toward others’ emotions and ways of thinking! And in terms of the global community, I think understanding languages is important, and fun! By learning languages, we can send messages to people all around the world, and as I said earlier, make friends all around the world. I think that is amazing because not just everyone can communicate with people from a different country! I hope that people can be more understanding and that the world can become a better place.
“All About Me” Video Project
Me and My Life in Hawaii
안녕하세요, 저는 정재미입니다. 영어 이름은 카야입니다. 저는 한국인이지만 미국인이기도 합니다. 저는 미국 캘리포니아에서 태어났지만 지금은 하와이 오아후에서 부모님, 그리고 남동생과 함께 살고 있습니다. 저는 아시아 퍼시픽 국제 외국인 학교에 다니는 8학년 학생입니다.
저희 가족은 할머니와 할아버지가 뉴욕에 살고 있습니다. 그리고 저희 외할아버지와 외할머니는 애리조나에 살고 있습니다. 저는 한국에 가족이 많이 있습니다. 증조 할머니, 증조 할아버지는 서울에 계시고, 사촌들도 서울에 삽니다. 작년 여름과 올 해, 한국에 두 번 가봤는데 한국, 서울은 매우 깨끗하고 아름다웠습니다.
가족들과 짬뽕과 짜장면을 먹었는데 너무 맛있었습니다. 저는 냉면, 빙수, 떡볶이, 순두부를 정말 좋아합니다. 저는 한국음식이 세상에서 제일 맛있다고 생각합니다.
저는 한국 케이팝과 한국 음식과 한국 드라마를 정말 좋아합니다.
저희 가족은 한국 전통을 중요하게 생각합니다. 매년마다 저희 가족은 세배를 드립니다. 저는 할아버지, 할머니께 세배를 드리고 세뱃돈을 받습니다. 한국 문화에 따라 저희 가족은 돌잔치도 했습니다. 저는 돌잔치 때 연필을 잡았고, 제 동생은 돈을 잡았습니다. 한국 문화에 대하여 더 알고 싶습니다.
혹시 저에게 한국 전통과 문화를 좀더 알려주실 수 있을까요? 지금까지 제 이야기를 들어주셔서 감사합니다.

Kaia’s Room
안녕하세요, 제 이름은 정재미예요. 오늘은 제 방에 대해서 이야기 하고 싶어요.
제 방에는 큰 침대가 하나 있고요, 바로 그 위에 선풍기가 한 대 있어요. 그리고 창문이 있는 벽에는 에어컨이 한 대 있어요. 방이 더워지면 저는 선풍기를 바로 켜고, 또 너무 덥다 싶으면 에어컨도 틀어요, 왜냐하면 저는 더위를 잘 못 참는 편이기 때문이에요.
그리고, 침대 옆에는 책들이 많이 있어요. 저는 책 읽는 것을 너무 좋아해서 제 주변에는 언제나 다양한 책들로 가득해요. 최근에는 한국 책도 읽고 있는데 아무래도 영어로 된 책이 저에게는 더 편해서인지 한국 책으로 읽는 것은 아직까지도 어려운 점이 많아요. 하지만 언젠가는 한국어로 된 책도 마음껏 편하게 읽어 보고 싶어요.
하와이에는 친구나 친척들이 많이 없어요. 아직도 캘리포니아가 그립고 저의 많은 추억들이 그곳에 많이 남아 있지만, 하와이에는 저희 가족들이 있어서인지 저는 하와이와 우리 집이 너무나 좋아요.

Hi, I’m Kaia making a comment on my own page. It’s the end of the first semester and I wanted to talk about my learning and experiences in the MS Korean class. I think I’ve gotten a lot more confident in speaking in Korean (obviously, I’ve been surrounded by the language more than I was before), but I think that I haven’t been learning a lot of new, useful vocabulary. When I was trying to learn new words, I had to expand my vocabulary on my own and study on my own (because there is only one MS Korean class, but I would do better in a harder class), which is really hard without the guidance of a teacher. I’ll study by myself, but I wish that I was able to tailor my learning experience in class to a level where I can work on things that will help my Korean improve even more. I’m not advanced by any means but I would like to be, and I want to push myself further during the second semester after I come back from winter break.
Thank you, Kaia, for your insightful and honest reflection. It’s wonderful to hear that your confidence in speaking Korean has grown—it shows how much effort you’ve put into immersing yourself in the language. Your desire to expand your vocabulary and challenge yourself more is admirable, and it reflects your determination to keep improving. For the second semester, we can work together to incorporate more advanced vocabulary and tailor some activities to meet your learning goals. I can also suggest resources and strategies for independent study that align with your level and interests. For example, using Korean books or articles slightly above your current level could expose you to new words in context.
Additionally, I’ll explore ways to add more differentiated learning opportunities in class to support your progress. Let’s also discuss setting personal goals for the semester so you can focus on pushing yourself further, as you’ve mentioned. Your proactive approach and passion for learning are inspiring, and I’m excited to see your growth in the coming months!