G5 Jameson Chung
“How does kimchi represent Korean culture while highlighting global connections and the power of shared traditions?“

As globally enlightened citizens, how can we contribute to the well-being of our global community?

Now, I wish to say that I thought it up late into the night, recalling the beauty of being with friends, the beauty of community. However, the answer is no. It was a decision to find a word that meant the sense of community and unity we were asked to portray. So I looked it up and got compassion. And though the way I got the word isn’t very pretty, I feel the idea is quite neat. The meaning is a sense of sympathy for those of whom are sad; it tells a tale of understanding, and how we can help each other not with superpowers fighting off a powerful all-seeing eye hivemind, but by understanding how others feel.
But a word is just a word. I painted a whole darn picture. With a sentence on it that explained some of the importance of compassion. ANd the painting– that! My goodness, I don’t know what to think– bad, good, perhaps just simply mediocre. But I personally have a lot of things I like, and a lot that I feel falls flat. It’s simple: two buildings, a sunset, and a billboard attached to the building: “compassion”, Korean above the English. In the upper left, you’ll find that sentence that explains the importance of compassion as mentioned earlier. But why did I choose to make it this way? Well, I wanted a sunset. I knew that before paintbrush met wood, and further back when Gesso met wood. I just found the sunset blend of red and yellow so beautiful, I had to do it! So I did it. I thought the city might compliment the sunset in a way, but also shows that sense of community I was trying to portray. So that was the main symbolism I was trying to portray. I hope this may have been helpful in understanding my decisions- turning them from questionable to slightly less confusing.
“All About Me” Video Project
My School Life
안녕하세요, 저는 정태영이에요. 저는 오학년 학생이에요. 우리 학교는 하와이에 있어요. APIS라고 해요. 학교의 여러 장소들을 소개할게요.
여기는 힙홀이에요, 여기서 공부도 하고 쉬기도 해요. 책, 우크렐레, 탁구, 화장실, 소파, 체육관도 있어요.
LC1예요. 농업과 미술 교실이 있어요.
LC2예요. 게임 개발과 영어 시간이 있어요.
LC3예요. Advisory 수업이 있어요.
LC4에서는 수업이 없어요.
LC6예요. 사회, STEM, 수학 수업이 있어요.
LC5예요. 한국어 수업이 있어요, 점심시간에 밥을 먹게 되는 곳이에요.
파빌리온 Pavilion이에요. 함께 밥을 먹는 곳이기도 해요.
운동을 하는 곳이에요. 농구, 배구, 가가볼, 축구, 테니스, 피클볼도 여기에서 하게 돼요.
방과 후에는 카하나 베이 비치 공원에 가서 카누를 타기도 해요.
그리고 보태니컬 아트와 한국 요리 시간도 있어요.
지금까지 제가 참여하는 학교 생활이었어요. 여러분의 학교 생활은 어떤가요? 너무 궁금해요, 꼭 들려주세요.
제 이야기를 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다.
Korean Composition – My Family

Korean Composition – My Room

안녕하세요. 저는 정태영이에요.
제 방에는 탁자가 두 개 있어요.
탁자 사이에 침대가 한 개 있어요.
선풍기도 있어요.
침대 위에 선풍기가 한 대 있어요.
I really feel like the presentations were an afterthought. They were the main point, but nobody cared! They just wanted to eat kimchi. I feel like maybe we could’ve put the kimchi buying station behind the trifolds? That would give incentive to walk through them, and it might create a natural urge to check out what was written. But I feel like that was a big problem with any presentations giving out stuff: people want the free stuff, take the free stuff, ignore the presentation. But I really think that the kimchi was good. It was quality kimchi! Furthermore, I have learned about myself and about Korean culture. I have learned vocabulary and verbs throughout this project, plus conjugation and grammar. I’ve learned so much Korean, and I’m very proud of myself. This was a pretty great first semester. Also, just as a little thing, I feel like the kimchi project pushed out more actual Korean learning, but I don’t think it matters that much. Really.
Thank you, Jamo, for your thoughtful feedback and reflections! Your suggestion about placing the kimchi buying station behind the trifolds is an excellent idea—it would naturally encourage attendees to engage with the presentations more meaningfully. I appreciate your awareness of this dynamic and will consider it for future projects. It’s wonderful to hear that you feel proud of what you’ve learned this semester, especially in vocabulary, grammar, and conjugation. Your dedication is clear, and it’s fantastic that you’re reflecting on both the strengths and areas for improvement in the project. While I understand your point about the balance between cultural projects and language learning, both are integral to a comprehensive understanding of Korean culture. Your ability to critically evaluate the experience is commendable, and I’m excited to see how you continue to grow next semester!