G10 Rikka Fujimoto

How does kimchi represent Korean culture while highlighting global connections and the power of shared traditions?

As globally enlightened citizens, how can we contribute to the well-being of our global community?

Confidence 自信






I chose the word “Confidence.” Sometimes I lack confidence and give up trying something. I chose this word because I believe that if I had confidence, I would be able to challenge more things and grow.

I want to learn Korean to deepen mutual understanding and empathy, and to be able to help each other beyond language differences.

I also want to talk with more people by learning Korean.

I would also like to learn more about the differences in thinking and culture between Koreans and Japanese.

I believe that by learning Korean, I will be able to talk to more people and have a global perspective. And I believe that the world will become a more peaceful place if we can use our language to talk to each other.

All About Me” Video Project

My School Life

Hello, my name is Rikka. I am from Japan. 안녕하세요, 저는 리카예요. 저는 일본에서 왔어요.

Now, I will introduce my three favorite things in Korean. 저는 세 가지 제가 좋아하는 것을 한국어로 소개하고 싶어요. 

First, I would like to introduce my favorite place here at APIS Hawaii. It is a bench in front of the dormitory LC3 where I live. From here, you can see a beautiful sea, a very clear sky, and lots of nature, such as birds. Also, since the sea is nearby, the wind blows, making it very pleasant. I love nature, so this place makes me feel very relaxed. Here, I usually watch YouTube, movies, or read books. 우선, 저는 APIS Hawaii 학교에서 제가 가장 좋아하는 곳을 소개할게요. 제가 살고 있는 기숙사 방 앞에 벤치예요. 여기에서, 아름다운 바다와 깨끗한 하늘, 예쁜 새들과 같은 다양한 자연을 볼 수 있어요. 그리고, 바다가 가까워서, 시원한 바람이 불어 기분이 무척 좋아져요. 저는 자연이 좋아서 이 장소가 제 기분을 무척 편안하게 해줘요. 그래서 저는 이곳에서 유튜브, 또는 영화를 보거나 책을 읽어요. 

Next, I would like to introduce my favorite K-pop idol, LE SSERAFIM. LE SSERAFIM is a global group consisting of Koreans, American-raised Korean, and Japanese members. They debuted on May 2, 2022, as a female idol group. This group is known for their amazing dancing skills and perfect synchronization. Among their performances, I especially love the song ‘FEARLESS.’ In this song, the members show a perfectly synchronized dance, and their unity is incredibly cool. Also, by learning about LE SSERAFIM, I became interested in Korean traditional culture and food. What I love most about LE SSERAFIM is that while they usually act playful and cute, they turn into completely different people when they start performing. 다음은 제가 좋아하는 케이팝 아이돌 르세라핌이에요. 르세라핌은 한국인, 한국에서 자란 미국인, 그리고 일본인 멤버로 구성된 글로벌 그룹이에요. 그들은 이천 이십 이년 오월 이일에 여성 아이돌 그룹으로 데뷔했어요. 이 그룹은 엄청난 춤 실력과 완벽한 조합으로 잘 알려져 있어요. 그들의 공연 중에서 특히 저는 ‘피어리스’라는 노래를 좋아해요,  이 노래는 멤버들이 완벽히 일치된 정말 멋진 춤을 보여줘요. 물론 르세라핌을 알아갈수록 저는 한국 전통 문화와 음식에도 관심이 생깁니다. 르세라핌을 가장 좋아하는 데에는 그들이 평소에는 장난치고 귀엽게 행동하다가도 무대에 서게 되면 엄청나게 다른 모습을 보여주기 때문이에요. 

Lastly, I would like to introduce my beloved dog. His name is Marusuke, and he is a Bichon Frise. He used to be so small, but now he’s grown so big. Marusuke is very friendly and wags his tail at anyone he meets. He also loves going for walks, and when we go out, he sniffs around everywhere like he’s on an adventure. It’s really heartwarming to see him play with other dogs. 마지막으로 저는 저의 사랑스러운 개를 소개하고 싶어요. 이름은 마루스케이고, 비숑 프리제예요. 처음에는 무척 작았지만 지금은 엄청 커졌어요. 마루스케는 매우 사랑스럽고 만나는 모든 사람들에게 꼬리를 흔들어줘요. 그는 산책하는 것도 매우 좋아하고, 우리가 밖에 나가면 마치 모험을 떠난 것처럼 여기저기 킁킁거리며 냄새를 맡아요. 다른 개들과 함께 노는 모습을 보면 정말 마음이 따뜻해져요.

What are your favorite things? I would appreciate it if you could introduce Korean culture to me. 여러분의 가장 좋아하는 것은 무엇인가요? 한국의 문화를 소개해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

Emily Kim

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3 thoughts on “G10 Rikka Fujimoto

  • 12/13/2024 at 6:39 pm

    In my first semester of Korean class, I learned Hangul, grammar, simple Korean conversations, and about kimchi. It wasn’t easy at first, but since I love Korean, I was very excited.

    During the kimchi project, we went on a field trip and made kimchi together as a class. Although we made mistakes and got confused at times, it was so much fun, and I got to experience a traditional Korean activity. It was a great experience, and I learned a lot about kimchi.

    The most memorable thing for me was learning that kimchi creates a sense of community and connects people.

    In the second semester, I want to learn even more about Korea!

    • 01/03/2025 at 2:22 am

      리카! You’ve made impressive progress in your first semester, embracing both the challenges and joys of learning Korean. Your enthusiasm, especially during the kimchi project, shines through, and it’s wonderful that you’ve recognized the community spirit behind kimchi. I’m excited to see your continued growth and curiosity in the next semester!

  • 12/13/2024 at 6:42 pm

    I can see how much effort you have put into your work. Seeing all work at once really shows how hard you work in class. I’m sure that many people can appreciate your dedication to Korean culture. I also love listening to LE SSERAFIM.


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