K. Paisley Coleman
As globally enlightened citizens, how can we contribute to the well-being of our global community?

Hope 소망
Paisley spoke about the importance of hope and how it has helped her in difficult times. Someone shared a heartfelt story about the time she almost cried when she lost her cat. Despite the sadness and uncertainty, she held on to hope and reminded herself that no matter how tough things get, waiting patiently with hope and persevering will eventually lead to achieving what we wish for.
Her perspective shows how deeply hope is connected to faith. Paisley believes that hope gives us strength to endure challenges and overcome sadness. When I see her bright smile, it inspires hope in me as well. Her positive outlook is a beautiful reminder that even in the hardest moments, hope can be the light that guides us forward. Paisley’s words are a testament to the power of believing in better days ahead.
2024 Korean Speech – I Love My Mom and Dad

“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”
Paisley prepared Korean singing and dancing for the Christmas Concert to celebrate “Happy Birthday, Jesus Christ.” She diligently practiced the dance, actively participated, and cooperatively rehearsed in every Korean class. Her Korean speaking and singing were exceptionally beautiful and wonderful! We loved it.

Paisley responded with “Love” when asked, “How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?” She has a deep affection for her family and friends and expressed a desire to assist our neighbors in Hawaii, especially those affected by the wildfires in Maui this summer.
Additionally, she wishes to convey “I love you” in her Korean class. “사랑해요.”