G9 Yuken Asanuma
“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”
“My Hero” Korean Presentation
안녕하세요, 저는 APIS 하와이 국제 학교, 9학년 유켄입니다. 제가 가장 존경하는 사람은 일본 야구 선수 “오타니 쇼헤이”입니다. 그는 미국 MLB의 세계적인 야구 선수입니다. 그는 대부분의 사람들이 불가능하다고 생각했던 투수와 타자를 동시에 해내는 선수이고 높은 수준으로 활약하고 있습니다. 그는 이를 위한 노력을 놓치지 않습니다. 그리고, 오타니 쇼헤이는 훌륭한 인간성으로도 유명합니다. 예를 들어, 그는 훌륭한 팬 서비스를 제공하고 언론을 대할 때 친절합니다. 그리고 그는 쓰레기를 발견할 때마다 줍는 습관이 있습니다. ‘내가 할 수 있는 일을 누구보다 더 신중하고 열심히 하겠다’는 그의 성실함이라고 생각하며, 멋진 아이디어라고 생각합니다. 그는 사람들에게 활력을 불어넣고 행복하게 만듭니다. 이 모든 것이 그를 존경하게 만들고 저도 오타니 쇼헤이처럼 훌륭한 사람이 되고 싶습니다. 감사합니다.
Hi, I’m Yuken, a 9th grader at APIS Hawaii. The person I admire the most is Shohei Ohtani. He is an MLB player. He has managed at a high level to be both a pitcher and a hitter, something most people thought was impossible. He will not miss the effort to do this. Not only that, he is known for his great humanity. For example, he provides excellent fan service and is kind in dealing with the press. And he has the habit of picking up trash whenever he finds it. I think it’s an expression of his policy of “doing what I can do, more carefully and harder than anyone else” and I think it’s a wonderful idea. He energizes people and makes them happy. All of this makes me respect him and want to be as human as he is. Thank you.

Word I chose is “Growth”.
I believe that people need growth to lead a good life. Shohei Otani, a man I admire, never stops working hard to keep getting results. In other words, he continues to grow. The reason I want to continue to grow is because I want to discover new values and lead a richer life through growth. I think that people gain new ways of thinking and relating to others through growth, and most importantly, they gain confidence. So to lead a richer life, I want to keep the word “growth” in mind.
성장을 위한 노력을 멈추지 않는다면
우리 삶은 반드시 풍요로와집니다.
“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”
2023 Korean Video Project |
Hi, my name is Yuken. 안녕하세요, 제 이름은 유켄이에요.
I usually wake up at 7:00, and I wake my roommate, Aiden up Because he says he will wake up at 7:00 but he always doesn’t wake up. 저는 아침 일곱시에 일어나요, 그리고 – 룸메이트 에이든을 깨워요.
Have breakfast. I usually like to eat Nutella sandwiches because I like sweet foods. 아침밥을 먹어요, 저는 누텔라 샌드위치를 좋아해요, 저는 달달한 음식을 좋아해요.
I go to my first class. I have double periods three days a week and I hate it because it challenges my concentration. 일교시 수업에 가요. 저는 교실로 가요.
Take Korean class. This is my favorite class. 한국어를 공부해요. 한국어 수업을 들어요, 한국어 수업은 제가 제일 좋아하는 수업이에요.
extra curricula(work out strength and conditioning on Monday. 방과 후에는 운동해요. 오늘의 추가 커리큘럼은 운동입니다. 방과 후에는 짐에서 운동해요.
Dinner. my favorite dinner is pork cutlets. 저녁을 먹어요. 저는 돈까스를 가장 좋아해요.
I have to study in Study Hall. But I can do it in my room. 스터디홀 시간이에요. 열심히 공부해요. 저는 제 방에서 공부해요.
I usually go to bed around 10:30. 10시 30분이에요. 이제, 잠을 자요.
Thank you for listening to my daily life! 안녕히 주무세요, 감사합니다!
2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project |

Hangeul and Ohana Project Reflective Writing
I think the most essential part of this project was learning about widening my perspective and understanding of Ohana and the Hawaiian spirit. The purpose of this project was to help and support the people and the residents who were affected by the horrible Maui Fire incident.
Countless people have suffered from this dreadful incident and numerous residents have lost their homes, family and even their “life”.
By thinking about how people in Maui might have felt about the fire and start to think about what we can do as a community in Hawaii or even as human beings who share the same world.
I learned that even the small steps of making hooks and delivering handmade postcards could be meaningful for the people who suffered tremendously inside their feelings and outside their bodies. From now on, I will start to make small steps continuously that will affect people in their daily lives and make them joyful.
I think I improved my learning process and understanding and perspective on communication/ community greatly because of this specific support of the Maui Fire incident. Before I started this project, I did not pay close attention to our neighbors or even the community where we were supposed to share our Hawaiian spirits. However; once the fire started to take away countless people’s homes, families, and lives.
I started to get a brittle feeling inside my heart which I desperately wanted to help as a human being. During the fundraising for the Maui Fire incident, and making postcards for Maui residents who have suffered. I started to think about how helping others and widening my perspective on others were greatly influencing myself too. I realized that we, human beings, are greatly influencing each other in daily life without us noticing the presence.
As a member of the Hawaiian community, because of this project, I learned greatly about improving my learning and understanding or perspective for communication/ community. From now on, I will start influencing others with kindness and empathy to share the idea of being in a world community.
I found fundraising to be a daunting task. Because, first of all, one needs to prepare to start it, and preparation requires funds. Thus, there is likely to be no financial benefit to me. However, there are many other benefits. For example, the sense of accomplishment when the donations reach the people who need them, and the joy of knowing that they are happy, etc., would be a great pleasure.
We have done small fundraisers in the past, like the ones we do at elementary schools, but we have never prepared from scratch ourselves like this. Making postcards, selling Hotteok, etc. were good experiences that will be hard to come by in the future.
Through this project, I learned about the Ohana Spirit and the importance of helping others. Making the postcards and selling the hot toques was a lot of fun, even though it was hard work.