G9 Misato Inoue
“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”
2023 Korean Video Project |
Hello, I’m Misa. 안녕하세요, 저는 미사에요.
I am a 9th-grade student at APIS. 저는 APIS 9학년 학생이에요.
I live in the school dormitory. 저는 학교 기숙사에 살아요.
I have breakfast at the Pavilion. 저는 아침밥을 파빌리온에서 먹어요.
and my first class is English. It’s fun. 1교시는 영어에요. 재밌어요.
For lunch, I have a hamburger. It’s delicious. 점심은 햄버거예요. 맛있어요.
In the afternoon, I exercise. It’s enjoyable. 방과 후엔 운동을 해요. 즐거워요.
I also learning Korean. It’s really fun. 한국어도 배워요. 정말 재밌어요.
I go on field trips too. Here is a Korean restaurant. The kimchi is spicy. 필트립도 가요. 여기는 한국 식당이에요. 김치가 매워요.
It’s a Korean library. There are Korean books. 한국 도서관이에요. 한국 책이에요.
I have dinner at 6. It’s tasty. 6시에 저녁을 먹어요. 맛있어요.
In the evening, I go to the study hall. I study. 저녁에는 스터디홀에 가요. 공부해요.
I go to bed at 10. Good night. 10시에 자요. 안녕히 주무세요.
Thank you. 감사합니다.
“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”
2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project |

Ohana Project Reflective Writing
A “family” is a small group of people who are composed of close relatives centered on the relationship of husband and wife, parents and children, who share their daily lives based on mutual emotional bonds, or who are related by blood ties or marriage, and are formed on the basis of kinship relationships formed by marital relationships and blood relations between parents and children and siblings.123 The family has sexual, reproductive, educational, and economic functions。
This wildfire is one of the worst wildfires in the state of Hawaii in 100 years.1 The incident left many people homeless and many missing. Such incidents are important in thinking about how we prepare for natural disasters.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan is a parable of neighbor love and eternal life told by Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament.1 In this parable, a Samaritan who happens to pass by helps a man who is lying on the side of the road half-killed after being attacked by robbers. This story illustrates Jesus’ teaching of love of neighbor and teaches the importance of loving not only oneself but also others.1 The story also teaches us that it is important for people to love not only themselves, but also others1.
The word ‘ohana’ means “family” in Hawaiian. However, ‘ohana’ is unique in that it means “family” in the sense that includes those who are not related by blood, and that it emphasizes the idea that it lasts for a long time beyond generations.
The word ‘ohana’ carries the meaning of “family” in Hawaiian, but it possesses a unique essence. It signifies family not only in the sense of blood relations but also includes those who may not be related by blood. ‘Ohana’ emphasizes the enduring nature of familial bonds that extend across generations, highlighting the significance of lasting connections beyond blood ties.