G8 Casden Chow
“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”

I chose the value of perseverance, which is the most important value of all. It is important because you need it for every task you do in life, or you will fail. In my mural, the man is pushing a stone up the mountain. This is a strenuous task, but coupled with the rain, it is almost impossible. Yet he still perseveres and pushes the stone. Implementing this into our lives can make us extremely successful. Persevering and pushing onward until success. If something like rain or a rock stands in our way we push forward. Perseverance is also important because it can get us through tough times. When facing adversity or a rough moment, we can persevere and not be discouraged. This is why perseverance is important. This is the meaning of perseverance.
“Casden sincerely respects his grandfather, who taught him the value of perseverance, and this is Casden’s Korean presentation introducing his grandfather’s love, dedication, and passion for life. The fact that he can deliver such an amazing presentation less than a year into learning Korean demonstrates his strong determination and perseverance.”
“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”
2023 Korean Video Project |
I first wake up at 7:50 am. 저는 아침 여섯 시에 일어나요.
I then go to school. I say hi to my friends. 학교에 가요. 친구에게 안녕! 인사해요.
I have a Korean class. 한국어 수업이에요.
I go to a Korean restaurant. This field trip is amazing! Now let’s eat at a Korean lunch.
lunch is at 11:30. I hope it’s good. Wow! It’s excellent! 열 한 시 삼십 분에 점심을 먹어요. 점심은 좋아요. 와, 정말 맛있어요.
School gets out at 3:30. I eat a small snack after. 수업은 세 시 삼십 분에 끝나요. 그리고, 간단한 간식을 먹어요.
Then I eat dinner. 그리고 저녁을 먹어요. then I do homework. 숙제를 해요.
Then I will go to bed, goodnight. 그리고 잠을 자요. 잘 자요!
“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”
2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project |

Ohana Project Reflective Writing
I think that the most critical learning was awareness about Hangeul and Ohana. I learned about how we were all family and how we should help each other no matter what. I also learned about Hangeul Day and how Hangeul helped Korean people who could not read or write the borrowing character of Chinese. I learned that Great King Sejong created Hangeul in 1443 and that Hangeul day is in October. 9 for the national holiday. I also learned how to make Hotteok and my mom is really happy about that as well.
I improved my learning by trying to memorize Hangeul. When I first came into this Korean class I knew nothing about Hangeul or Korean culture for respecting elders or pride of Korean. But now after being in this class for only 3 weeks, I can read and write Hangeul pretty well. I think that a way that I can improve is by studying more out of class and trying to memorize the vowels. I am still having a hard time memorizing the vowels but I bet that in less than 30 minutes I can have them all memorized.
I am very grateful to Mrs. Kim for helping me learn about my Korean heritage and learn about Hangeul. I was challenged to memorize Hangeul but by working harder I memorized all of the consonants. I feel bad that I missed selling the hotteok but I am glad that I was able to help cook one of the days. I also want to learn more vocabulary in Korean so that I can learn how to speak more frequently.