G7 Yuki Kunihisa

“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”


The reason I chose selflessness/kindness is because I believe that when you pass happiness to others, it comes back to you. Additionally, doing good things for people makes them happy. Hospitality is a good thing. Kindness is significant, but what I especially want to highlight is the act of elevating others, even at the expense of oneself, to live for the sake of others. For example, it could be treating someone even if it’s just a small treat, protecting them, or listening to their stories. I believe this selflessness/kindness has the power to bring peace to the world. It makes you consider others and prioritize them, which can bring to light things you wouldn’t normally see, so it’s important to look at and feel this at least once. Anyway, if everyone is kinder to each other, there would be no more fights, murders, thefts, or even wars, and we could all live together peacefully.

Caleb’s Korean Speech- My Hero- 2024

“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”

2023 Korean Video Project
Caleb’s Creative Korean Video: It’s My Life

Hi, I’m Caleb and I’m in 7th grade in APIS.  안녕하세요, 저는 Caleb이에요.  저는 APIS 칠 학년 학생이에요.

7:00 breakfast playing a game with my friend​. 저는 아침 7시에 밥을 ​먹어요. 그리고, 게임을 해요.

11am playing ping pong basketball ​​ 저는 11시에 탁구와 농구를 해요.

1:00 going to the sea, it’s fun. 그리고, 저는 1시에 바다로 가요. 재밌어요!

I went to a Korean restaurant and I ate bibimbap. It is spicy but delicious! 한국 식당에 가요. 비빔밥을 먹어요. 매워요! 하지만 맛있어요!

Going to a Korean library, either. There are a lot of interesting books! 한국도서관에도 가요. 재미있는 책이 많아요!

10:00 pm I take a shower and sleep. 10시에 샤워하고 자요.

Good night!  안녕히 주무세요.

Thank you for watching my video! 감사합니다.

“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”

2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project

Caleb’s Hangeul and Ohana Project Postcard Design -2023
Caleb’s Reflective Writing QR

Hangeul and Ohana Project Reflective Writing

The concept of family, to me, means that they care about me and love me, and in return, I love and care about them as well. When it comes to the Maui wildfire incident, it’s essential to care because people are in trouble, and it’s our responsibility to be informed and offer our prayers and support. Reflecting on Jesus’ teaching through the Good Samaritan story from the Bible, we learn not to judge others solely based on their appearance but to look deeper, into their hearts. Lastly, the true meaning of “Ohana” for me is about family – a commitment that emphasizes that nobody should be left behind or forgotten, reinforcing the importance of unity and support within our family bonds

My parents are like angels; they make my path for me

Hawaii and this breath are all my parents

내 길을 인도해 주시는 부모님처럼, 하와이는 나의 모든 호흡

(Like my parents who lead my way, Hawaii is my every breath)

Emily Kim

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