G1. Henry Radcliffe
As globally enlightened citizens, how can we contribute to the well-being of our global community?

2024 Korean Presentation

“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”
고요한 밤, 거룩한 밤 [Go-yo-han Bam, Geo-ru-kan Bam]
어둠에 묻힌 밤, 주의 부모 앉아서 감사 기도 드릴 때 [Eo-dume Muchin Bam, Ju-e Bu-mo Ahn-ja-seo, Gam-sa Gi-do Deu-ril-Ddae]
아기 잘도 잔다, 아기 잘도 잔다. [A-gi Jal-do Jan-da, A-gi Jal-do Jan-da]
Silent night holy night, All is calm all is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child, Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace

in learning Hangeul, along with the Ohana. October 2023.