G10 Katriya Learned
“How does kimchi represent Korean culture while highlighting global connections and the power of shared traditions?“
As globally enlightened citizens, how can we contribute to the well-being of our global community?

My theme was Morality and I chose this theme because this is one of the most important aspects to understanding oneself and others. I want to create a diverse world where people are able to speak many languages and understand many cultures, the art in history, culinary arts, music, and literature, are what make up nationalities and I think that it is important for people to be able to learn and understand it. Using the Korean language as a stepping stone, I continue to grow and learn Korean culture, traditions, and communication. I wish to become a bridge for the people in my life. Someone that’s able to be more than just one race or nationality. I want to become a person of the world. When all of us immerse ourselves in a foreign culture, each of us will grow a new mind, we will become a new person. We won’t be American, or Korean, we will simply be Human. When you know many languages, you will, as a part of human nature, teach those around you, spreading the knowledge and adding an understanding of the wide world. This will strengthen community and social life, expanding universal knowledge and kinship.
“All About Me” Video Project
My School Life
안녕하세요, 제 이름은 카티아입니다. (Hello, My name is Katya!)
저는 16살이고 (I’m 16 years old), 반은 미국인, 반은 라오스인입니다 (I’m half American and half Laotian).
저는 APIS 11학년 학생이고 (I’m in the 11th grade at APIS), 기숙사에서 살고 있습니다 (I live on campus as a boarding student).
저는 스포츠를 정말 좋아하는데 (I really enjoy sports), 서핑, 축구, 농구, 배구, 탁구를 즐깁니다 (especially surfing, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and ping-pong). 또한 영화와 TV 프로그램을 보는 것도 좋아합니다 (I also love watching movies and shows). 친구들과 자주 어울리며 (I often hang out with friends), 우리는 “Just Dance”를 하며 춤을 추곤 합니다 (We like to play “Just Dance” and dance for fun). 먹는 것을 매우 좋아하고 (I enjoy eating), 특히 보바티를 좋아합니다 (especially boba tea). 주말에는 친구들과 시간을 보내고 (I spend weekends with friends), 해변에 자주 갑니다 (I often go to the beach since I live in Hawaii). 오늘은 카일루아에 갈 예정이고 (Today, I’m going to Kailua), 쇼핑을 하려 하지만 돈을 많이 쓰지 않으려고 합니다 (for some shopping, though I try not to spend much). 저의 친구 릴리와 엘리사가 함께 갈 것입니다 (My friends Lily and Elisa will join me). 또한 해변도 방문할 계획입니다 (I’m also planning to visit the beach). 한국에도 다시 가고 싶고 (I would love to visit Korea again), 여행하는 것을 정말 좋아합니다 (I really enjoy traveling).
오늘은 정말 즐거웠고 이제 잠자리에 들 준비를 합니다 (After a fun day, I’m getting ready for bed). 샤워하고, 이를 닦고, 얼굴을 씻고 나서 보통 쇼나 영화를 보고 잠이 듭니다 (I shower, brush my teeth, and wash my face before watching a show or movie and then go to sleep).
안녕히 주무세요 (Good night)!
“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”
2024 “My Hero” Korean Presentation

Hello, I am Katya. I am an APIS 10th grader. I am American and Laos. I am learning Korean right now. My hero is my father. This is because my father often displays perseverance and selflessness. He worked very hard as a single father. It was very difficult to work all the time to provide for me. However, He has taken very good care of me. He has given me amazing opportunities to thrive in life. He is very selfless and will often help those who are in need. He is very kind and is always ready to give me advice when I need it. Something that I can learn from my father is the importance of integrity. Being able to do good things during hard times is important. To yourself and others around you. So I hope to be someone who often displays integrity.
안녕하세요, 저는 카티아입니다. 저는 APIS 10학년 학생입니다. 저는 미국인, 그리고 태국인입니다. 제 영웅은 아버지입니다. 아버지의 인내심과 이타심을 자주 볼 수 있기 때문입니다. 그는 미혼부로서 매우 열심히 일했습니다. 저를 위해 항상 일을 하는 것은 매우 어려웠습니다. 하지만, 그는 저를 매우 잘 돌봐주었습니다. 그는 저에게 인생을 번창할 수 있는 놀라운 기회를 주었습니다. 그는 매우 이타적이고 종종 도움이 필요한 사람들을 돕습니다. 그는 매우 친절하고, 제가 필요할 때 항상 조언을 해줄 준비가 되어 있습니다. 그리고, 아버지에게 배울 수 있는 것은 성실의 중요성입니다. 힘든 시기에 좋은 일을 할 수 있다는 것은 정말 중요합니다. 자신과 주변 사람들 모두에게 말입니다. 그래서 저는 저의 아버지처럼 성실함을 삶으로 보여줄 수 있는 사람이 되고 싶습니다.
“정직함, 정직은 좋은 관계를 이루는 가장 중요한 가치입니다.”

Katya’s Mural Project 2024
Honesty is crucial for maintaining relationships and leading a happier life. Being truthful with yourself aids in finding a path to greater happiness, while honesty with others builds trust and fosters strong relationships. Therefore, embracing honesty as a virtue brings rewarding benefits to both yourself and those around you.
Honesty helps improve yourself by changing your mindset to be more susceptible to other perspectives while staying true to your thinking. When you’re more honest with yourself you feel less stressed because with the mindset of being true to yourself your actions will also be more honest, in which the case of you being happier are higher. Your self respect gets higher and so does your understanding. You worry less about most other peoples and opinions, because the only thing that truly matters is that you are honest with yourself. When you are truthful to yourself, you are truthful through your actions. This helps your personal environment because by being your true self, you can make true friends.
Benefits to your personal relationship with others will rise when you are honest. The actions you take are influenced by your honest brain and mindset, therefore, when you are feeling a certain emotion you can honestly express yourself and the relationship will naturally grow. Sometimes you might fall out with some of your friends when you are acting upon your honest self, but there are still friends who stayed and friends to be made, these friendships would be stronger and last longer when all act and think honestly. Honesty relieves the burden of having to shoulder all the lies that people have to hold in order for them to think they are happy or to fit in. Honesty brings about peace for mind and body.
“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”
2023 Korean Video Project |
Good morning, I am Katya, a boarding student at APIS Hawaii. 안녕하세요. 저는 카티야예요. 저는 APIS 하와이 기숙사 학생이에요.
I will introduce you to my daily life at school. 제 학교 생활을 소개할게요.
I start my day by eating breakfast. 저의 하루는 아침을 먹으며 시작해요.
Today breakfast is—(whatever food there is). Today I’m eating (whatever) for breakfast. 오늘 아침은 시나몬롤을 먹어요.
Today I have a Korean field trip. 오늘은 한국어 시간에 견학이 있어요.
First, we went to a Korean restaurant. 우선 저희는 한식당에 갔어요.
I ordered kimchi stew. 저는 김치찌개를 시켰어요.
We went to H-Mart. 우리는 H마트에 갔어요.
Got boba and went to library. 보바를 샀어요. 그리고 도서관에 갔어요.
Today’s extracurricular is surfing. It was fun. 오늘 방과 후 활동은 서핑이에요. 재밌었어요.
I had a lot of fun. 오늘 정말 재밌었어요.
After the shower, I have dinner. 이제, 샤워하고, 저녁 먹어요.
After dinner, we have study hall (weekdays ) / I watch a movie (Fridays). 저녁 식사 후에는 자습시간이 있어요.
It’s been a long day. 정말 긴 하루였어요.
Good night. 감사합니다. 안녕히 주무세요.
“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”
2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project |

Ohana Project Reflective Writing
The most essential learning throughout this project was finding out ways to help our community. We’ve learned about what we need to do in order to hold a fundraiser. We’ve thought up creative ideas. We made postcards with our hearts. We wrote poetry to the cause. All this is in the name to support the recovery for the Maui Wildfire recovery. We’ve done an amazing job. And I really think that throughout this project we’ll have learned how much of an impact our small actions can have on our communities. We sell our Hotteok and postcards at school, getting support from our own small community to help one that’s larger. I think that that’s really amazing.
This quarter I have done well to communicate with Ms. Kim and Nohyoon with my learning. Because of our small class, it is much easier to accommodate each other’s needs and because of this I feel that my learning is very proficient. I have really grown because of our Ohana project. The process of this project had me communicating with my classmates and teachers, thinking up ideas, organizing and planning, and getting involved with other students. Seeing something that I planned out be put into action is amazing, and knowing that I had a part to play in the help of Maui Fire Victims is a blessing. Knowing that what we did helps out a part of our community.
I feel very glad that we were able to do this project, and I think It’d be a good idea to do something like this again sometime in the future of our class. I think it’s amazing that we were able to organize a fundraiser while also focusing on our studies. Though I wish that I could’ve practiced more on making sentences. Even so, I feel that my learning through this project has been very productive. I was able to work really well with my classmates. While helping Jared learn Korean, it also strengthens my ability to speak, read, and understand Korean better too. When I am with Nohyoon, I am better able to understand a little bit more of the different koreans there are. The similarities between him and other Koreans are noticeable and so are their differences. So I’m grateful to be a part of this class.
The reason I believe I should learn Korean is so that I can grow as a person. I want to expand my views on the world and understand my friends based on the history of where they grew up. I want to learn Korean because I believe that knowing many languages can be an advantage for me. The learning we’ve had thus far has been relatively good. Although I didn’t have a great experience with the large work sheet recently,. This is because it just, in general, does not fit with my learning style and ability. I prefer working by myself, with a tutor, or playing learning games with peers. These games include Kahoots, Gimkit, and Quizlets. I think I would learn well if we had a small subject to learn and then got tested or assessed on our understanding at the end of the week. I learn better when talking with the teacher or with my peers. Or just simply teaching what I know to others can expand my knowledge. I think it would be good to start making small sentences. Like a workshop. Because I feel like I am still only a beginner in Korean, I think we can play puzzle-type games where we have single letters and piece them together to make small words or to have words and make sentences. I think we should continue to use the vocabulary in class so often that it is forced to become second nature to us. I think that would be beneficial to me. I really want to become more confident in making sentences and understanding them. And to be more confident in my vocabulary. This is so that when we have to take the language test next semester, I will be more prepared and comfortable. – From Katriya, December 2023
“How can we create a better school environment?”
2023 Mural Project – “Peace” 균형감, 수용, 평안을 얻기 위해 평화는 우리에게 반드시 필요하다. |
We need to have peace in school and in the world in order to have balance, acceptance, and serenity.
Hello, I am Katya. I am American. I live in Hawaii Hauula. I go to APIS as a boarder. I am in 9th Grade. I go home during spring break. I work a part-time job during breaks. I see friends at work. I eat fruit when I go home. I like strawberries.
I like studying Japanese and Korean. I study hard languages. I will soon be able to communicate with a lot of different people. After college, I will (maybe) become a Lawyer and bring peace and justice to people. I value peace because I want to make sure people feel justified and happy. Thank you.
균형감, 수용, 평안을 얻기 위해 ‘평화’는 우리에게 반드시 필요하다.
안녕하세요. 저는 카티아예요. 저는 미국 사람이에요. 저는 지금 하와이 하울라에 살아요. 저는 기숙사 학생으로 APIS 학교에 다녀요. 저는 9학년입니다 저는 봄방학 동안 집에 갔어요. 쉬는 시간에는 아르바이트를 합니다. 일하는 곳에서 친구를 만납니다 저는 집에 갈 때 과일을 먹어요. 저는 딸기를 좋아해요
저는 일본어와 한국어 공부하는 것을 좋아합니다 저는 두 언어를 열심히 공부합니다. 앞으로 저는 다양한 사람들과 소통할 수 있을 것입니다. 대학 졸업 후, 변호사가 되어 평화와 정의를 실천할 거에요. 정의와 행복을 느끼며 평화롭게 살았으면 좋겠습니다. 감사합니다

Good pronunciation and easy to listen to.
I think you worked really hard, I really liked your presentation. Good job.
I liked the stylish layout of the slides.
I felt like they were trying their best to pronounce Korean.
Awesome images katriya! Vary well spoken and organized! The details were vary good!
The slide was beautiful .It was very nice and majestic.
I thought that her slides were really nice and creative. I also liked the message of her presentation. That was really meaningful and important in the future.
Your pronunciation was really really good and your flow was also at a very high level and everything sounded really good! Your presentation was also very pretty.
I liked your pronunciation, I like how you speak Korean. I think you’re cute when you speak Korean—그쪽이 엄청 귀여우신거 같아요.
Snap: ethanhan_
Hello, after viewing your presentation, I thought your Korean was clear and cute. Also, your presentation was nice.