G12 Yuuga Sato
“How can we create a better school environment?” |
신뢰할 수 있는 APIS
Hello! I’m Yuuga, I`m from Japan. My mom is Korean, and my dad is Japanese. I like sports, especially ball games. I like to play soccer and I used to play it the most. I still like it and sometimes play it with friends. I could speak a little Korean, but I wanted to learn it properly, so I enrolled in Korean language classes. I have recently become addicted to tapioca and chai tea.
In Japan, I often go to saunas and karaoke. I think trust is most important because if a relationship of trust has been established, even if a problem arises, both parties know each other and can smoothly resolve it without major differences. Thank you!
안녕하세요. 저는 유가입니다. 저는 일본에서 왔어요. 엄마가 한국인이고 아빠는 일본인입니다. 저는 운동을 좋아하고, 특히 구기 종목을 좋아합니다. 축구를 좋아해서 가장 열심히 했어요. 지금도 좋아해서 가끔 친구들과 함께 하기도 해요.
한국어를 조금 할 줄 알았지만 제대로 배우고 싶어서 한국어 수업에 참여하게 되었습니다. 저는 요즘 타피오카, 차이 티에 푹 빠졌어요. 일본에서는 사우나나 가라오케를 자주 갑니다. 신뢰가 가장 중요합니다. 신뢰가 있으면 문제가 생겨도 서로를 잘 알기 때문에 원만하게 문제를 해결할 수 있기 때문입니다. 감사합니다.

The pronunciation was very beautiful and easy to listen to. It was also good that there was a lot of preparation.
He spoke confidently and was easy to listen to.
Great slide yuuga! Great speaking and vary well organized! Overall a vary good slide. 👍
Pronunciation was very good. The presentation was easy to understand.
I think that your pronuntiation was great, it sounded really fluent. I think you worked really hard.
you could understand what he was saying. his pronunciation was clear and I liked the pictures he showed.
I really really loved your slide ans presentation. Good job
You, did a really great job with your presentation. Your pronunciation and pace was amazing, and your general organization and knowledge of your presentation was on point
I thought that his presentation is the best so far. His voice was really clear, smooth and really easy to understand what he was trying to say in his presentation. I also liked the picture on his last slide. GREAT JOB!!!!!