G12 Hikaru Takami
“How can we create a better school environment?”
Love 사랑이 가득한 APIS! |
Hello、 I’m Hikaru. I am Japanese. I now live in Hawaii Hauula. I attend APIS school. I am a 12th-grade student. I am a boarding student. I went to Japan during spring break. I ate Japanese food a lot. Korean food is delicious. I like Korean culture. So, I study Korean. I think APIS needs love. Because I believe that with love, anything is possible! Thank you.
안녕하세요, 저는 히카루입니다. 저는 일본인입니다. 저는 지금 하와이 하울라에 살고 있습니다. 저는 APIS 학교에 다니고 있습니다. 저는 십 이 학년 학생입니다. 저는 기숙사 학생입니다. 저는 봄 방학에 일본에 갔습니다. 일본 음식을 많이 먹었습니다.한국 음식도 맛있습니다. 저는 한국 문화를 좋아합니다. 그래서 한국어를 공부합니다. APIS는 사랑이 필요하다고 생각합니다. 사랑이 있으면 무엇이든 가능하다고 믿기 때문입니다. 감사합니다.

I really like the simplistic and easy to read slides. Great job on speaking Korean.
I think that his presentation is very practical. You did a very good job. Though he was stumbling a little bit, he still held through and he did a very good job! His pronunciation was fairly fluent. I think he could’ve looked up a little more. Aside from that, he did amazing.
I think he practiced very hard. I am glad that he prepared well for his presentation, which is his weak point.
The pictures and layout of the slides were very good.
I think you did a great job.
The pronunciation is beautiful and easy to understand.
That was a vary good presentation! You spike vary well and with confidence! Great organizing
He said he did not prepare for the presentation at all. However, I thought that was pretty good without any practices. I also thought that he would be better than now if he practiced Korean more. GOOD JOB!!!!!
Overall you could hear what he was saying. If you practiced two more times, the words would come more fluently i think, but good job! 🙂
I really liked that you speak confidently and your pronuntation was really good.