G12 Paloma Helms
“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”
2024 “My Hero” Korean Presentation
안녕하세요, 저는 APIS Hawaii 12학년 팔로마입니다.
제 영웅은 우리 엄마입니다. 많은 사람들을 위해 자신의 삶을 바친 어머니는 제 영웅입니다. 어머니는 끈기 있고, 근면하고, 결단력 있고, 인내심 있고, 활기찹니다. 어머니는 열심히 일 하십니다. 어머니는 훌륭한 리더입니다. 가난 근절, 생명보호, 여성교육의 확대, 지구온난화 해결 등 사람들을 돕기 위해 노력하셨습니다. 저는 이러한 저의 어머니를 사랑하고 존경합니다. 저는 어머니와 같은 훌륭한 사람이 되고 싶습니다.
Hello, I am Paloma, a senior at APIS Hawaii. My hero is my mother. She is my hero because she has dedicated her life to helping many people. My mother is persistent, diligent, decisive, patient, and vibrant. She works hard and is an exceptional leader, having devoted efforts to eradicate poverty, protect life, expand women’s education, and solve global warming issues. I love and admire my mother for these qualities and her impactful actions. I aspire to become a remarkable person like her. Thank you.

My mother has shown determination throughout her entire career. My mother has been a perfect role model, showing me that my dreams can be accomplished through hard work and determination. She fits this role because she has dedicated herself to helping others who are less fortunate, and, therefore, she has traveled around the globe to help those countries that are in poverty.
Determination is a fundamental trait that drives individuals toward their goals and aspirations. It is the backbone of resilience, providing the strength and perseverance to weather life’s challenges and setbacks. With determination, individuals can navigate obstacles with unwavering resolve, refusing to be deterred by temporary failures or setbacks. This steadfast commitment enables individuals to achieve their objectives and fosters personal growth and development along the way. Moreover, determination inspires others, serving as a beacon of hope and motivation within communities and organizations. By embodying determination, individuals set an example of resilience and tenacity, encouraging those around them to pursue their dreams with similar resolve. In essence, determination drives success, empowering individuals to overcome adversity, achieve their aspirations, and ultimately carve out a fulfilling and impactful life journey.
“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”
2023 Korean Video Project |
7:30 오전, 일곱시 삼십분: Good Morning, I am Paloma and I am a student at APIS Hawaii. 안녕하세요, 저는 팔로마예요. 저는 APIS Hawaii 학생이에요.
7:40 일곱시 사십분: I get my food here. 저는 여기서 음식을 받습니다.
7:45 일곱시 사십 오분: I eat here. 저는 이 자리에서 먹어요.
8:15- 3:30 여덟시 십오분부터, 오후 세시 삼십분: I study English, Math, Korean, Art, History in these buildings. 영어, 수학, 한국어, 미술, 역사를 공부합니다.
Today, I went on a field trip to Honolulu for a Korean class. 오늘, 저는 한국어 수업, 필트립으로 호놀룰루에 왔어요.
Korean restaurant, library, Korean Hmart, 한국 식당, 도서관, 한국 마트에 왔어요.
It was so much fun. 정말 재밌어요.
4:00- 5:30 오후 네 시: I go to swim practice.수영 연습을 하러 갑니다.
6:00- 6:45 저녁 여섯 시: I eat dinner here in the pavilion. 파빌리온에서 저녁을 먹습니다
7:00- 8:30 저녁 일곱 시: It’s hibhall. I study here. Hibhall 이에요 . 저는 여기서 공부합니다.
8:30 여덟시 삼십분: Then I go to sleep. 모두 안녕! 잘 자요!
I am grateful that I learned Korean these past two years. This experience was crucial for understanding Korean Culture and its influence on society and the world. The Korean language opened my mind to the importance of culture and values. Also, I attained helpful skills and tools to help me learn Korean. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and gave me the confidence to learn another language. I am happy that I am in Ms. Kim’s class, who is passionate about her class. – From Paloma, December 2023
“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”
2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project |

그 어떠한 역경도 이겨낼 수 있는 힘과 용기로
너를 바라본다. 오하나의 품 안에서

Ohana Project Reflective Writing
First, I gained an understanding of creativity through a project by recognizing the current issues facing Hawaii and expressing my thoughts on them through Korean poetry and accompanying it through a painting that I thought fit best. Second, I attained knowledge of Global Citizenship and / Sustainability because I participated actively in helping others and efforts to create my postcards and poems. I was part of a team that manufactured these postcards and printed out flyers that helped spread awareness throughout the school. Lastly, I used Critical Thinking throughout this project because I reflected on what I have done well and what areas I need to work on. Overall, critical thinking was the most important factor in this assignment because it allowed me to be creative and think outside the box in this project. I also synthesized what I have learned during Korean class into a cohesive and comprehensive piece of writing. It allowed me to connect Hangeul writing to helping others to understand cultural perspectives.
Throughout my learning process and understanding, I improved my understanding of the Significance of Hangeul Day and the Importance of it and how I can use culture to benefit others and my cultural learning. I understood how to comprehend the historical context of the early Korean immigrants in Hawaii participating in fundraising activities to support Korea’s struggle for independence against Japanese colonization.
Also, Identifying and Exploring Current Challenges in Hawaii and Seeking Solutions. I had to research at some point the causes, processes, outcomes, and solutions related to incidents like the Maui wildfires in Hawaii. Throughout my research, I understood how I can help others and participate in a mission that helps me grow as an individual and as a student.
I am grateful for doing this project. It’s unique and special as a project that schools and classes typically don’t do. I was challenged in my writing, creative thinking, and skills. When I was assigned to help with the formatting and printing, I was challenged in that area. I didn’t have much experience in doing that and was worried about letting my peers down, but somehow I overcame that challenge. I know now what to do if I want to do that again. In the future, I want to know more about other ways to help the community and be creative in this area. I guess I would also like to learn more about marketing a product. I usually don’t know how much to charge for a product. Also, raising money for the supplies. Sometimes, people aren’t fortunate to use their own money to fund the ingredients. That would be an excellent learning experience. Overall, I am lucky to have had the opportunity to experience this, and I am looking forward to doing this again.
“How can we create a better school environment?”
2023 Mural Project – “Kindness” 친절은 의미있는 관계로 서로의 사랑을 발전시키는 견고한 열쇠가 된다. |
Hello, I’m Paloma. I was born in Guatemala, and I have lived in nine different places around the world. Those places are Guatemala, France, Cambodia, Indonesia, Seattle, Mozambique, Washington D.C, California, and Hawaii.
I love to swim, run, cook, draw, and try anything new.
My mother lives in California and my father lives in Portugal. My brother goes to college in Pittsburg. My family’s love is very strong. I now live in Hawaii. I am a border student at APIS. I am an 11th-grade student. I love this island. I love the people here. I’ve met such amazing people. I have lived my whole life watching my mom work to improve lives and end poverty around the world.
I want to be a part of it in the future. I want to follow in my mother’s footsteps. I want people to experience kindness like I have my whole life. If I wasn’t adopted and been placed in the path that I have lived, I wouldn’t be in the situation that I am now.
I want to give back.
친절은 정말 중요합니다. 왜냐하면 친절 없이 우리는 의미있는 관계와 사랑을 발전할 힘이 없기 때문입니다.
안녕하세요, 저는 팔로마입니다.
저는 과테말라에서 태어났지만, 프랑스, 캄보디아, 인도네시아, 모잠비크, 시애틀, 워싱턴, 캘리포니아, 그리고 하와이 등 여러 나라에서 살았습니다. 지금은 하와이 학교 기숙사에 있습니다. 엄마는 캘리포니아, 아빠는 포르투갈, 그리고 오빠는 피츠버그 대학에 있습니다.
저는 수영, 달리기, 요리, 그림, 새로운 것을 좋아합니다. 그리고 하와이와 이 곳의 사람들을 사랑합니다. 정말 멋진 사람들입니다.
저희 엄마는 전 세계의 가난한 사람들을 많이 돕고 있습니다. 저도 엄마처럼 사람들을 돕고 싶고, 엄마와 같은 길을 가고 싶습니다. 사람들이 저처럼 친절을 직접 경험하면 좋겠습니다. 제가 만약 입양되지 못했다면, 지금과 같은 삶은 저에게 없었을 겁니다. 제가 받은 친절을 필요한 사람들에게 돌려주고 싶습니다.

for celebrating Korean Hangeul Proclamation Day -2022
She tried to read Korean without a paper. She did good job
I think that when you were presenting, it was really well thought out. She was able to pronounce very well, but I think she rushed a little bit towards the end of the presentation. Over all she did amazing. I really liked her photo’s too. They show her personality very well.
Good Job!! The introduction slides were really interesting
Your pronunciation was wonderful. Your pronunciation was very clear
Your slide looked really great and you speaking and pronounced the words vary well!
your performance was easy to understand and very pronounced.
Well done, she struggled a little at the end with pronouncing it fast and smoothly however she persevered through it and tried hard. Overall it was a good presentation.
The pronounced the words very beautifully and read the sentences fluently and I really like it.
I’m glad I tried so hard at first when presenting the paper and made an effort to read it myself without looking at the paper.
I think she did a really good job presenting in Korean.
Good pronunciation and easy to listen to.
I really loved the energy you had while you presented!! It was a really fun presentation to watch, and yes I think your mother is really beautiful 🙂 Keep learning Korean!
I really like your energy and I think you did really good job!
Wow Paloma I was incredibly impressed by your presentation in Korean! And of course very touched that you decided to dedicate your presentation to me, your mother. I’m so flattered to be considered your hero!!