G12 Kentaro Okazaki
“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”
2024 “My Hero” Korean Presentation
안녕하세요 저는 켄타로입니다. 저는 APIS 하와이 12학년 학생입니다. 제 영웅은 호빵맨입니다. 저는 호빵맨을 존경합니다. 그는 일본에서 아이들에게 매우 유명합니다. 호빵맨은 단팥빵입니다. 그는 마을 사람들을 돕습니다. 그는 팥빵으로 만든 자기 얼굴을 선물합니다. 그 빵을 먹으면 모두가 행복해지고 강해집니다. 잼 아저씨가 새로운 얼굴을 만듭니다. 그래서 호빵맨의 얼굴을 바꿉니다. 저는 이 부분을 좋아합니다. 자신의 것을 나눠주고 다른 사람을 행복하게 하는 것의 가치를 저는 중요하게 생각합니다. 그것은 우리 모두에게 반드시 필요한 가치입니다. 저도 호빵맨과 같은 사랑을 실천하는 사람이 되고 싶습니다. 감사합니다.
Hello, my name is Kentaro. I am a 12th-grade student in Hawaii. My hero is Anpanman. I admire Anpanman, who is very popular among children in Japan. Anpanman is a character made of sweet bean paste bread. He helps the people of the village and offers his own bean bread face as a gift. Eating this bread makes everyone happy and strong. Uncle Jam creates new faces for him, so Anpanman can change his face. I like this part the most. I believe in the importance of sharing what you have and making others happy. It’s a value that we all need. I want to be a person who practices love like Anpanman. Thank you.

Kentaro’s Mural Design 2024
“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”
2023 Korean Video Project |
Hello, My name is Kentaro Okazaki. 저는 켄타로예요.
I am in 12th grade. 저는 12학년이에요.
This is my school APIS!!! 우리 학교 APIS예요!!!
APIS is in Hawaii. APIS는 하와이에 있어요.
There is a beach right in front of it. APIS 바로 앞에 해변이 있어요.
I like APIS. Because everyone is really friendly here. 저는 APIS 좋아해요.이곳은 모두가 친절하기 때문이에요.
I am at H-Mart in Honolulu now. 저는 지금 호놀룰루의 H-Mart에 있어요.
I want to buy Milkis today. 오늘 밀키스를 사고 싶어요.
There is milkis. 밀키스가 있어요.
It is very expensive in Hawaii. 하와이에서는 매우 비싸요.
Today was very fun. 오늘 하루는 재밌었어요
This is my life in APIS. 이것은 제 apis의 하루에요.
Thank you! 감사합니다
“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”
2023 Hanguel and Ohana Project |

- Ohana is an oasis where everyone can get together and hang out even in the fire.
- Ohana is an oasis where everybody can feel safe even in the fire.
절벽(황량함) 가운데에서도 안전한 그곳, 오하나.
I wondered what the definition of family is. So, I looked it up on Google. The definition of family is a group of people living together as a unit. Some people might think that family members are supposed to be biologically related. However, I thought that everyone could be family even though they are people who are not biologically related when I read the definition of it. In other words, other creatures are also our family. They are not biologically related to us and not even people. However, they are still our family members living together as a unit which is the earth.
Firstly, there are lots of people who have been hurt and suffered from this. And as I mentioned about the definition of family that I think is correct, those people having a hard time because of it are our family. If they are our family, why don’t we just help them get over that together? Because they are a family of the earth.
Ohana means family in Hawaiian. However, it also has other meanings such as lovely, cuteness, and kindness. I also think that ohana is a really interesting and magical word. Because it can tell you many different meanings, people can tell others what they want to say but are too shy to say it with a word. Ohana just doesn’t mean family. It has lots of different meanings that people are too shy to say in their life behind it. It is a magical word that brings and makes everyone smile and life.
“How can we create a better school environment?”
2023 Mural Project – “Faithfulness“ 타인과의 굳건한 신뢰를 통해 더욱 발전하는 충실한 관계 |
I think that faithfulness is really important for us. Being faithful means getting trust from others and being loved by others.
My name is Kentaro Okazaki. I am 17 years old. I am from Japan. I am going to an international high school in Hawaii. I am taking a Korean class in high school and learning about Korean culture and grammar now. I have lived in Hawaii for 2 years. I like talking with people. I like Japanese food. I really miss Japanese food. However, I don’t want to go back to Japan. I want to live somewhere else beside Japan in the future. I want to work as a computer programmer. I want to travel the world and work from the places that I stay at with only my computer. I would like to be rich, but I don’t think that I would like to be a billionaire. I would like to be able to make enough money to travel around the world and do whatever I want to do in the future.
I think that if you want to have a successful life in the future, you should always be faithful in order to make your dream come true and for other people. Therefore, I think that faithfulness is really important for us.
저는 성실이 우리에게 정말 중요하다고 생각합니다. 성실로 다른 사람들에게서 신뢰를 얻을 수 있습니다.
안녕하세요. 저는 오카자키 켄타로입니다. 저는 17살입니다. 저는 일본에서 왔습니다. 저는 하와이에 있는 국제 학교, APIS에 다니고 있습니다. 한국 문화와 한국어에 대해 배우고 있습니다. 저는 하와이에서 이 년 동안 살았습니다. 저는 사람들과 이야기하는 것을 좋아합니다. 그리고, 저는 일본 음식을 좋아합니다. 일본 음식이 정말 그리워요. 하지만 일본으로 돌아가고 싶지는 않습니다. 앞으로 일본이 아닌 다른 나라에서 살고 싶습니다. 그리고, 컴퓨터 프로그래머로 일하고 싶습니다. 전 세계를 여행하며, 컴퓨터만 가지고도 머무는 곳에서 일하고 싶습니다. 부자가 되고 싶지만 하고 싶은 일을 할 수 있을 만큼의 돈을 벌고 싶습니다.
앞으로 성공적인 삶을 살고 싶다면 꿈을 이루기 위해, 그리고 다른 사람들을 위해 항상 성실해야 한다고 생각합니다. 그래서 성실함은 우리에게 정말 중요하다고 생각합니다.

I’m glad I kept my presentation to the end, even if I had to calmly poke and prod him.
Good pronunciation and easy to listen to.
Your presentation was so amazing!!! Your pronunciation is very good and you talked loud enough!! All in all it was just amazing!!!!
You did awesome! You have grown so much since the beginning of the year. Your pronunciation was good, your tempo of the presentation was good, and your organization/showcase was really nice. You struggled a bit on some words, but you had the courage to go over them and get it correct. I’m really proud of you. You did awesome!
Your pronuntation was really clear, I could see that you put much effort on the presentation.
The pronunciation of Korean was very good.
Your pronunciation is very clear and at perfect pace.
Hello, after viewing your presentation I appreciate your effort on the presentation and ideas of Uncle Jam. Also, your pronunciation of Korean was clear and comforting to hear.
I loved your content and your pronounciation
I liked your presentation a lot. Your pronunciation was really great!
Me and my family also like Anpanman. Nice job!