G11 Joshua Jaussi
“How can we create a better school environment?”
Humble 겸손 |
Hello, I’m Josh Jaussi. I’m from America. I live in Kahuku, Hawaii. I am attending APIS school. I am in the 11th grade. I made Korean friends in APIS. This is why I am interested in Korean culture. I also like Korean food and culture.
Humility is all about having a positive attitude and being open to others. It’s about recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and being willing to learn from others. When you’re humble, you’re more likely to succeed.
안녕하세요, 저는 조쉬예요. 저는 미국사람입니다. 저는 하와이 카후쿠에 살고 있습니다. 저는 APIS 11(십 일 학년) 학생입니다. 저는 한국 친구들이 있습니다. 이것이 제가 한국 문화에 관심이 많은 이유입니다. 저는 한국 음식과 문화를 좋아합니다.
제 좌우명은 겸손입니다. 겸손은 더 큰 성공을 위해 나와 다른 사람들을 향해 늘 열려 있는 마음가짐입니다. 다른 사람들을 통해
저는 APIS 학교 십 일 학년이에요. 저는 아마추어 사진작가예요. 저는 파일럿이에요. 저는 비행을 좋아해요. 저는 전문 조종사가 되고 싶어요. 저는 가끔 여가시간에 비행기를 타고 호놀룰루 국제 공항을 떠나요. 저는 산악 자전거와 같은 스포츠를 좋아해요. 저는 자연 속에 있는 것이 좋아요. 저는 한국과 한국 문화를 사랑해요.

The pronunciation was good and very easy to listen to.
Good pronunciation and easy to listen to.
The pictures were straightforward and good. The presentation was smooth.
I really liked the pictures on his slides. He was smoothly speaking Korean when he was presenting.
It was a short speech, but it was very good. Great contents
I think that he was relying a little too much on his paper, but he still did a good jib with presenting. He had a very simple organization that was good, and he pronounced the Korean words well.
The pronunciation was good and I really like the pictures in the slide.
That was a vary good presentation! You spoke really well and I never knew you flew planes before the presentation! Great organized
I really liked the pictures and I think it was an engaging presentation.