G12 Elisa Nakai
“How does kimchi represent Korean culture while highlighting global connections and the power of shared traditions?“
As globally enlightened citizens, how can we contribute to the well-being of our global community?

Diverse Perspectives
“Diverse Perspectives” is the theme I chose to use for this project. Through the incorporation of widely held opinions and novel concepts, diverse views enable us to apply innovation and creativity. We can create fresh, imaginative items with the help of these components. The modern world depends on this idea, particularly with the development of AI, which frequently produces new goods and solves issues. But by accepting different viewpoints, we may blend our distinct experiences and adaptable thinking with these breakthroughs to produce new things in the future. These components are also necessary in a world that is becoming more interconnected.
Diverse perspectives aid in our understanding of culture. We may appreciate cultural variations and apply these insights to foreign cultures by employing these viewpoints to see things imaginatively. I wish to establish an equitable society through language, especially Korean. Language acquisition, in my opinion, can lessen discrimination and facilitate international communication. Mutual respect and equality are fostered in our interactions when we can express our opinions and thoughts to one another through common languages. Additionally, by fostering new relationships, friendships, and viewpoints, learning new languages enhances the well-being of our global society. Every language we learn improves our ability to communicate with speakers of other languages who come from various backgrounds. This allows us to discover other cultures, behaviors, and ways of thinking. Consequently, it offers us a more comprehensive and distinct viewpoint on the world.
“All About Me” Video Project
My School Life
“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”
2024 “My Hero” Korean Presentation
안녕하세요, 저는 APIS 하와이 국제 학교 11학년 엘리사 나카이입니다. 제가 가장 존경하는 사람은 ‘월트 디즈니(1901-1966)’입니다. 월트 디즈니는 미국의 텔레비전과 영화를 제작하며, 애니메이션 영화의 선구자로서 월트 디즈니 회사를 설립한 유명한 인물입니다. 제가 월트 디즈니를 존경하는 이유는 전 세계 사람들에게 행복, 꿈, 상상력, 용기를 선사하기 때문입니다. 그리고 포기하지 않는 월트 디즈니의 정신이 돋보입니다. 그가 만든 ‘오즈월드’라는 캐릭터를 다른 회사에서 몰래 가져갔습니다. 하지만 월트 디즈니는 새로운 이야기와 캐릭터를 만드는 것을 결코 포기하지 않았습니다. 월트 디즈니의 이야기를 배우면서, 저는 그의 끈기와 강인한 성격을 본받고 싶습니다.
Hello, I’m Elisa, a junior at APIS Hawaii. The person I admire the most is Walt Disney. He is an American TV and film producer, a pioneer of animated cartoon films, and the creator of the Walt Disney Company. I admire him because, He brings happiness, dreams, imagination, and bravery to people all over the world. In addition, his spirit of never giving up. When he made a character “Ozwald”, it was taken by another company but he didn’t give up on creating a new story and character. Learning about Walt Disney’s story, I’ve been inspired to follow in his footsteps, particularly his perseverance.

Elisa’s Korean Mural Design 2024
Why is patience important?
The patient’s spirit is important in our life. It is because a patient spirit makes it possible to achieve the goal. We might face a lot of hardship in our lives for a long time. However, having a patient spirit allows us to commit and focus on our goals, even if the process seems hard and takes a lot of time. This is also connected to personal growth because taking time to work on one thing to accomplish makes us more confident. Also, Patients can create emotions stronger because patience aids in managing stress and anxiety by fostering a calm, composed mindset and reducing impulsive reactions to setbacks or frustrations.
From above, this project also included the patient because we worked hard this semester to complete and show the presentation in Korean. This is because speaking in front of people in Korean is more difficult and more nerve-wracking but everyone did well. Also, after this presentation, many people were able to gain more confidence and mastery of their skills. So, I think this project was really meaningful for us to create a one-piece of confidence through the Korean language.
“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”
2023 Korean Video Project |
Hi, I’m Elisa and today I’m going to introduce the Asian Pacific International School where I attend. 안녕하세요. 저는 엘리사예요. 오늘은 우리 학교 APIS를 소개하겠습니다.
First, I’m going to the Administration building. 먼저 Admin Building으로 갈게요.
There are offices for teachers Mr. Stapleton, Dr. K, Mr. Peelers, and Ms. Kerby. They are working here. 스테이플튼 교장 선생님, 닥터 K 교장 선생님, 필러 선생님, 컬비 선생님, 사무실이 있습니다. 어드민 선생님들은 모두 이 곳에서 일하고 계세요.
Next, here is the school cafeteria. 다음은 학교 카페테리아예요.
Students and teachers get food from here, bring it to the Pavilion, and eat together. 여러 학생들과 교직원들 줄을 서요, 그리고 음식을 받고 파빌리온으로 가져와요,그리고 함께 식사해요.
Next, here is Hibiscus Hall. 다음은 히비스커스 홀이에요. 힙홀이라고도 해요.
We can enjoy downtime with friends or teachers here from time to time. 여기에서는 친구들이나 선생님들과 함께 휴식 시간을 즐길 수 있어요.
We enjoy board games and table tennis with friends. “I like to play billiards with my friend’ 우리는 보드게임이나 탁구를 즐겨요. “저는 친구들과 포켓볼하는거 너무 좋아해요!
Also, we can play the piano and the guitar here. 그리고 피아노나 기타도 이곳에서 칠 수 있어요.
Next, here is an LC. 다음으로 LC 예요.
We can take a class in each of the LCs. Also, there is a room for boarding students. 저희는 LC에서 수업을 들어요. 그리고 기숙사 방도 여기에 있어요.
For the Korean class, Ms. Emily teaches Korean really well and we have improved a lot. 한국어 수업은 김 선생님이 잘 가르쳐 주셔서 한국어가 많이 향상되었어요.
Because of this, we can read books at the library and we can express our feelings in Korean. “ It’s delicious” “It sounds fun” 선생님 지도 덕분에 맥컬리 도서관에서 책을 읽을 수도 있고, 한국어로 감정도 표현할 수 있게 되었어요. “맛있어요” “재미있어요”
Finally, here is a playground. And Swimming Pool and Tennis Court, and Chicken Coop, and Agriculture plant bed, etc. 마지막으로, 여기는 놀이터예요. 수영장과 테니스장, 닭장, 채소밭 등이 있어요.
What did you all think when you saw this wonderful school facility? 이 멋진 학교 시설을 보고 여러분은 어떤 생각을 하셨나요?
Please visit and enjoy time and study together on this campus! 우리 학교에 오셔서 함께 공부하고 즐거운 시간을 함께 보내면 좋겠어요.
The reason I should learn Korean is to gain a wider view. While learning Korean I was able to learn about Korean culture and through this knowledge, I got the ability to understand the country’s culture and standard of life. Also, another reason for me to study Korean is I hope studying the language will be meaningful to me in the future such as college applications and future careers. to make conversation or collaborate. For the next semester, I want to learn Korean grammar more deeply and improve my listening skills. -From Elisa, December 2023
“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”
2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project |

붉게 번지며 차오르는 눈물은 오하나의 힘,
희망과 단결의 빛이 되어 흐르리
The tears welling up and spreading like crimson are the strength of OHana,
Becoming a gleam of hope and unity as they flow.

Hangeul and Ohana project Reflective Writing
The most essential learning through this project is learning about the Hanguel day. Through searching about this day we also search about the history of Hangeul. This makes me more interested in the Korean language. It is because learning a language after knowing its origins and background makes me more interested in the language. Actually, through the search, I was able to learn the language history between Japan, China, and Korea so it was really helpful for me to understand the background of the language. Before, this search, I wondered why the Korean, Japanese, and Chinese have similar words. So, this search improved my knowledge.
Learning and understanding of communication are improved through this project. From this project, we had a lot of conversations about how to sell the postcards and how to donate the money. This conversation and time to think about the way to the donation was a beneficial time to make conversation with our classmates and solve the problem together.
Furthermore, my understanding of the community has also improved. For this project, I searched how to donate to the people. From this search, I found a lot of information about the donating spot and a lot of volunteer work. This information improves my perspective on the community. It is because I was able to learn how the relationship between communities is important and helpful. Also, this information promotes me to participate in volunteer work and donation activities.The hardest part of this project for me was writing the poem. It is because it was hard for me to write the poem to image the people in Maui. It is hard to imagine the feeling and the situation of the people in Maui. To work out this problem, I searched and watched a lot of pictures, articles, and news about Maui. This research helped me to understand the situation in Maui and I was able to find a way to write the poem.
In the end, I am grateful for this project because everyone works hard. Everyone tries to be in the conversation, work hard on the poem, cooperate with Hottock, and collaborate to take turns to sell Hottock. I think this project is really hard for some students who just started to learn Korean or English. However, we tried to help each other and we were done with this project successfully.
“How can we create a better school environment?”
2023 Mural Project- Goodness 선량 |
Hello, I’m Elisa. I’m Japanese. I live in Hawaii now. I’m in tenth grade at APIS school. I’m studying English and Korean in Hawaii. I can speak Japanese and English. I like dogs. So, I have a dog in my house. I am also interested in Korean culture. Also, I listen to k-pop a lot. So, my hobby is listening to music.
I think goodness is the most important thing in APIS life. This is because goodness makes our lives comfortable and we can build good relationships with each other. I think goodness is very important in human interaction. This is because we believe that by having goodness, we can respect each other’s opinions and meet.
안녕하세요, 저는 엘리사입니다. 저는 일본인입니다. 지금은 하와이에 살고 있습니다. 저는 APIS 학교 10학년 학생입니다. 저는 하와이 학교에서 영어와 한국어를 배우고 있습니다. 저는 일본어, 영어, 그리고 한국어를 말 할 수 있습니다.
저는 강아지를 좋아합니다. 그래서 집에서 강아지를 기르고 있습니다. 한국 문화에도 관심이 있습니다. 그래서 평소에 k-pop을 잘 듣습니다. 제 취미는 음악을 듣는 것입니다.
APIS에서의 삶에서 저는 선함이 가장 중요하다고 생각합니다. 왜냐하면 선을 통해 우리의 삶이 편안해지고 서로 좋은 관계를 맺을 수 있기 때문입니다. 선함은 사람과의 관계에서 매우 중요하다고 생각합니다. 왜냐하면 착한 태도를 통해 우리는 서로를 존중하고, 서로가 진실되게 만날 수 있다고 생각하기 때문입니다.

Elisa did so well on her speaking. You can clearly understand each word when she spoke.
I liked the section about goodness in APIS. Keep working hard in Korean class.
In my opinion the presentation was very well done. They were a little quiet but the pronunciation was on point, there was no stutter no hesitation. Good job overall.
I really liked your presentation, it was really engaging!!
I thought she pronouced Korean well. And she inserted a lot of pictures so I could understand well.
I thought it was great that he could speak Japanese, English and Korean. The photos they used during the presentation were abundant and the dog was very cute.
I thought that her pronunciation was almost perfect. I think that she could talk a little louder.
Vary good speaking and images! Vary well organized.
Korean pronunciation was good and easy to understand.
I really love your video! Your pronunciation and content is really good