G9 Toben Hunter
“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”
“My Hero” Korean Presentation
Toby describes his father as a hero. The time spent with his father, who showed and taught him various interesting and meaningful things, was simply an “adventure.” Through his Korean presentation, we can understand that this world is unfolded through endless questions, exploration, and challenges.

For my mural I chose the word 모험 (mo-heom). 모험 means adventure. Adventure is really important to me and my family. It brings me joy and new experiences. I wanted to design my mural as a popping image. There is a bible verse at the bottom of the mural that is featured by the word 모험. On my mural the word 모험 is drawn out in 3D to make it look like they it is coming out of the picture. I chose vibrant colors and drew a dotted outline of a picture. You can decipher the picture how you would like to, kind of like part of an adventure.
소망 중에 즐거워하며 환난 중에 참으며 기도에 항상 힘쓰세요. 이는 하나님과의 기쁜 모험입니다. 로마서 12:12
Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. It is the joyful advanture with God Father!
“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”
2023 Korean Video Project |
Hello, my name is Tobe. 안녕하세요 제 이름은 토비입니다.
I have 2 sisters a mom and a dad and a dog. This is my family 저에겐 엄마, 아빠, 그리고 쌍둥이 누나가 있어요, 그리고 강아지 한 마리도 있어요.
My dog is so cute, her name is princess blue sailor winifred buttermilk III. 우리 강아지는 너무 귀여워요. 이름은 파랑 공주 예요.
Every morning I go to school. 아침에 나는 학교에 가요.
School is fun. 학교는 재밌어요.
We are going on a field trip. 오늘 우리는 현장 학습을 갈 거예요.
Now we are at a Korean restaurant. 지금, 우리는 한식당에 있어요.
My favorite thing to do is eat. 저는 먹는 걸 제일 좋아해요.
I like spicy food. 저는 매운 음식을 좋아해요.
“비빔밥 하나랑 젓가락 하나 주세요!”
The food is so yummy! 비빔밥 너무 맛있어요!
We also go to the library. 지금 우리는 도서관에도 가요.
“Wow, there are so many books!” 와, 책이 너무 많아요.
Now we are at a Korean shop .지금 우리는 한국 가게에 있어요.
Today is so fun is so fun 오늘 정말 재미있어요.
After school, I surf and skate. 방과 후에도 재미있어요.
I love surfing and skating. 제가 제일 좋아하는 일은 서핑과 스케이트보드예요.
I surf every day. 저는 매일 서핑을 하고 있어요.
I skate board sometimes. 스케이트 보드도 가끔 타요.
Surfing makes me so happy. 서핑은 날 너무 행복하게 만들어요.
Be happy 행복해요, You can do anything! 우리는 뭐든지 할 수 있어요. 감사합니다!
“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”
2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project |

Ohana Project Reflective Writing
I think the most essential part of this project is creativity and communication. For this project, I had to be creative to make a postcard and a Hotteok poster. I was able to make fun artwork that conveyed my messages’ meaning. I also had to use communication to write an understandable message in my Korean postcard. I used my Korean writing to make a poem that resembles the feeling of helping each other and ohana.
I have improved my writing skills. When I made my postcard I was able to understand how to write in Korean. After writing the postcard I was able to read my poem. I also improved my perspective on the community by contributing to raise funds for Maui. We were able to contribute to our ohana making money for the people in Maui. I was able to learn that Ohana is helping each other.
I am grateful that we were able to raise funds for Maui and help the APIS community be happy by selling them yummy snacks. It was challenging and fun to make a postcard. It was hard to make my Korean handwriting neat and clear. I want to learn more about writing in Korean. It was fun to make Hotteok to sell in the APIS community. I hope that we will have a big impact on helping Maui.
“How can we create a better school environment?”
Goodness- 착함 |
Toby, who loves the Korean language and culture more than anyone else, is always kind and friendly to everyone. His gentle nature and unwavering professionalism, where he always strives for the best, make his Korean lessons shine.
His humor and love for life are cleverly woven into the stop-motion video “Toby’s Self-Introduction Story, and Korean creative book “Pig’s Picnic.” Enjoy his wonderful Korean pronunciation and professional planning skills and idea, and even background music.

“Hi, I’m Toby. I’m thirteen years old. How old are you?
I live in Hau’ula. I’m an APIS 8th-grade student. I came from California. I mostly like surfing. What sports do you like to play?
I like the beach. I also like to eat Korean food. What is your favorite thing to do after school?
Good bye! Have a safe trip to Hawaii! :)”
I really liked your presentation. I think you are very cool as well as your dad 🙂
I just watched your presentation about your hero and I think your dad is such a cool person! Your Korean pronunciation was really good and the flow of your words is really coming along 🙂
Your presentation was great. I think your Korean was really great and I loved how you used difficult words like 이타심. Your pronunciation was awesome! 🙂 I hope you continue to learn Korean in the future. 화이팅!
Hello! I loved your presentation. Great work! I appreciate how you used different Korean words that may be hard to pronounce and I understand the difficulty you may face learning a new language. I liked the way you described your father and could feel the love. I know it takes a lot of courage to present in another language. Hope to see you in the future. 감사합니다!
I like how you used higher level language wordings such as 헌신. Pronunciation showed how you’ve been practicing and had been studying Korean hardly. I am happy for you to enjoy Korean traditional stuffs and language.