G8 Rocco Kasmarick

“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”

Righteousness is the most important aspect of life. If not for righteousness it would be much harder to live a morally justifiable life. With righteousness we are able to make the right decision that will help us down the line. Righteousness is very important in our lives.

Rocco’s Korean Speech -2024

Rocco expressed that he most respects his grandmother. She always demonstrated the value of considering and yielding to others, teaching this value through her actions. Through her, Rocco learned about justice and the courage to do what is right.

“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through the visual story?”

2023 Korean Video Project
Rocco’s Korean Video – It Is My Life -2023

“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”

2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project
Rocco’s Hangeul and Ohana Project Postcard Design -2023
Rocco’s Reflective Writing QR


I feel that the most essential learning through this project was the learning of ohana and how we need to always help and support each other. From Korean ancestors Immigrants coming to Hawaii to send money home all the way up to now where we are sending money to Maui to help them out with the wildfires. From then all the up to now we have been helping ohana and we need to continue on into the future.

  I have learned a lot about Hangul and ohana. I also have learned a lot about community, I have learned that community molds us into the people we are. It is really important to have a supportive, nice, kind, and caring community. That means we have to be those things for others, helping, sharing, caring. Maui is still struggling so we need to help now. I am grateful for the Korean class. I have learned so much in just the past year. I am blessed to have such a great teacher, class and environment. Having Korean in the beginning of the school day, starts my day off right. I truly am grateful. I love Korean class!

오하나, 승리를 향해 오늘도 전진하는 우리는 한 가족

Ohana We are One Family moving forward to Victory!

“How can we create a better school environment?”

2023 Mural Project – Peace 평안
Rocco’s Korean Reading of his mural piece -2023

Rocco learned Korean for the first time this year. At first, he didn’t even know what Hangeul was, but now he can confidently read any word or sentence. He believes that the power to change the world lies in peace. Rocco, who is kind to everyone and willingly shares his love, is already a symbol of peace. It’s like we received new life through the peace of Jesus Christ.

Rocco’s Korean name design for celebration Hangeul Proclamation Day -2022

Rocco, who values relationships with friends, captured his experience of visiting Fin’s house in a fun and witty book written in Korean. Would you like to read it together?

Rocco’s Korean Presentation – 2023

Hi, my name is Rocco, and I go to APIS Hawaii, I live on campus. My favorite sport is soccer or basketball, and my favorite food is Watermelon.  I love to travel I recently went to Korea and loved it. I might have seen you because I came to the Seoul campus to see it. I can’t wait to meet you in Hawaii, Bye.

Creative Thinking and Communication Skills in Korean Class

Rocco’s Creative Korean Book “Finn’s Home” – 2023

Emily Kim

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