G6 Ever Kasmarick

“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”

Ever’s Korean Mural Design 2024

I chose FAIRNESS. I chose fairness because everyone should have what they need and get the same opportunities. Fairness is important because we can help others by practicing fairness. We can also strengthen our relationships with others by building trust and understanding. Implementing this value could change our lives and possibly change the world because everyone has the same opportunities to be great and support each other and themselves.

Ever’s Korean Speech 2024

Ever’s grandmother taught her the values of passion, perseverance, diligence, and consideration through her own actions. Ever truly respects her grandmother because she imparted the important lesson that, while everyone is different, their life’s values and rights are equally important.

“How can I convey my daily life effectively to Koreans through visual story?”

2023 Korean Video Project
Ever’s Korean Video – It Is My Life – 2023

Hello, I am Ever, 안녕하세요, 저는 에버예요.

I am a sixth-grade student at Asia Pacific International School. 저는 APIS 육학년 학생이에요.

I live on the school campus along with 7most of the staff. 저는 학교 캠퍼스에 살아요.                                                         

 APIS gives 3 meals a day that are made by the school chef.  아침, 점심, 저녁 모두 학교에서 먹어요, 셰프 스테이시 선생님이 요리해요.  

( In the pavilion.) This is where we eat the delicious food. 여기는 밥을 먹는 곳이에요. 맛있어요!

Some kids board at this school from all over the world. 학생들은 여러 나라에서 왔어요 한국, 일본, 독일, 미국 본토에서도요.

We get to choose from so many fun classes like agriculture and art. 우리는 수업을 선택할 수 있어요. 농업, 예술, 그리고…

There is a pool, three playgrounds, a sandpit, climbing ropes, a gaga ball pit, a tennis court, a basketball court, and more. 수영장, 놀이터, 모래밭, 가가볼, 테니스코트, 농구코트 등의 여러가지 시설이 있어요.

APIS is really good!  APIS는 정말 좋아요!

Come to APIS. APIS로 오세요!

Thank you! 감사합니다.

“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”

2023 Hangeul and Ohana Project
Ever’s Hangeul and Ohana Project Postcard Design -2023

Hangeul and Ohana Project Reflective Writing

I think that the most important thing that I learned during the ohana project was that we should always help people and give them support and kindness especially in times of need. If  we needed help than we would be super grateful if people helped so we should help people that need help. You should always treat people how you want to be treated. I improved my learning of the Korean language while also learning how to make a delicious Korean treat. My understanding of the community  also changed. I learned how important community and ohana are.I had so much fun doing this project and I am sad that it has come to an end. I hope we can do something like this again in the future.

Ever’s Reflective Writing QR

“How can we create a better school environment?”

2023 Mural Project – “Joy and Peace” 기쁨과 평화
Ever and Rocco’s Stop motion video -2022

Ever has made remarkable progress in learning Korean this year, even though it was her first time learning the Korean language. Starting with reading and writing words of Korean, she went on to create her own introduction stop- motion video in Korean and showcased her amazing skills in imagination and design by editing a Korean book.

Ever’s Korean name design for celebrating Korean Hangeul Proclamation Day -2022
Ever’s Korean Mural 2023

Ever’s diligence and creativity have truly brought vitality and meaning to our Korean lessons. She believed that the most valuable thing to change the world that we need is “Peace and Love.” And the Korean book is fulled with Ever’s passion for learning Korean.

Ever’s Korean Self Introduction to Seoul Campus Friends -2023

Hello! I’m Ever, My Korean name is everlasting “Star.”

I’m 11 years old. I live in Oahu, Hawaii. I’m an APIS, 5th grader student. I’m a Wisconsinite. So, I go to Wisconsin during vacation. I meet my friend on summer vacation. I like the sea. I like to eat sushi. And, I also like pizza. I like to drink chocolate milk. I have a dog named ‘Remi’ and she looks like this.

Do you have any pets? What are your hobbies? What do you like to do after school?

Thank you! Good bye~

Ever’s Creative Korean Book “My Korean Class” -2023

I LOVE KOREAN CLASS. I joined a Korean class early this year. I learned to introduce myself in Korean. This means “Hi, my name is Ever, I like soccer.” I learned to say “I am very hungry,” in Korean. I know how to say “Mom, dog, pizza, it’s delicious, house, etc.” We did a song contest and learned a whole song called “Octopus dream.” We learned past tense, present tense, and future tense. We have the best Korean teacher. She is nice and happy. I love Korean class!!!!

Emily Kim

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