G4 Kinsey Stapleton

Kinsey’s Korean Speech 2024

“What values can be learned from the life of the person I most respect?”

Kinsey highly values kindness in life. She believes that kindness is the foundation of mutual trust and, aspiring to be a teacher and admiring her own educators, she practices this value with those around her. Notably, her greatest example of kindness is Jesus Christ. Jesus demonstrated infinite love and kindness through His life, and Kinsey, as His follower, strives to embody these values. This attitude will significantly influence her path as the educator she dreams to be.

“친절, 친절이 없다면 서로를 믿지 못하기 때문에 친절은 참 중요한 가치입니다. ” Kinsey는 인생에서 친절의 가치를 중요시합니다. 그녀는 친절이 상호 신뢰의 기반이라고 믿으며, 선생님을 존경하고 교사가 되고자 하는 그녀는 주변 사람들에게 이 가치를 실천합니다. 특히, 그녀에게 있어 친절의 가장 큰 본보기는 예수님이십니다. 예수님은 자신의 삶을 통해 무한한 사랑과 친절을 보여주셨고, Kinsey는 그분의 제자로서 그 가치들을 따르고자 합니다. 이러한 삶의 태도는 Kinsey가 꿈꾸는 교육자로서의 길에 큰 영향을 미칠 것입니다.

“How can we positively embody the ‘Ohana spirit’ in our lives?”

Kinsey’s Korean Speech “I want to be a teacher for helping others!” -2023

안녕하세요, 저는 킨지예요. 저는 아이스크림을 좋아해요, 그리고 저는 피자도 좋아해요, 저는 선생님이 되고 싶어요.


Hello, I’m Kinsey. I like ice cream, and I also enjoy pizza. I want to become a teacher. Thank you.

Kinsey’s Hangeul and Ohana Project Postcard Design -2023
Kinsey’s Creativity and Korean Handwritten Message

“How can we create a better school environment?”

2023 Mural Project – Peace “평안”
Kinsey’s Korean Reading -2023

Kinsey believes that the words in chapter 4:16 of Philippians in the Bible are the most important values in life. Paul, the apostle, mentioned that if we do not worry about anything but instead pray and make our requests known to God with thanksgiving, the PEACE of Christ, who excels in all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds. It is so moving to see the future global leader read this long and profound sentence in Korean.

Kinsey’s Korean Presentation -2023

Hello, I am Kinsey. I’m eight years old. I’m an APIS 3rd grader. My favorite book is “Harry Potter” and the “Goblet of fire.” My favorite color is “Teal.” I like to eat ice cream because it’s delicious. I like playing gaga ball because it’s fun. My favorite subject is math. I love my mom, dad, Jake, Brielle, and Bently. Thank you!

Kiensey’s Korean Mural Design -2023
Kinsey’s Korean Name Design for Celebrating Hangel Proclamation Day -2022

Emily Kim

Hello, after viewing the works of future global leaders, we would greatly appreciate it if you could leave them your warm message of encouragement and support. Thank you.

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